over 100 pounds to lose and get frustrated easily

Almost 3 years ago I lost 75 pounds and still had about 90 to go. Well since then I've gained back 45 of it. I started WW a month ago and it's coming off way to slowly (my 3rd week I lost 0.2...are you frickin kidding me?!) and it's so frustrating and discouraging. I started on MFP on Saturday because a friend at work asked me to join her. It's been really encouraging reading about success storied and knowing there are so many people struggling with my same goals, and gets me excited again about where I need to be and what I need to be doing. I don't discount people only having to lose 20 or 30 pounds, but it's not the quite the same as someone who has to lose 100+ such as myself. I guess in short I would love to know how this site really works by keeping each other motivated and how we stay in contact with people we meet. And lastly what is a "bump", it's something I've seen on peoples' posts?


  • korsicash
    korsicash Posts: 770 Member
    A) when you bump something it puts it in your comment thread so you can go back and see it later.

    B) I had 70 to loose and have 20 of that left to loose. I am working at it, it took me a good year to loose this first 50. The last 20 is hanging on for all it is worth. Keep at it and know you can do it. One day at a time. Good luck,
  • ChitownFoodie
    ChitownFoodie Posts: 1,562 Member
    You bump a post so you can read it later or to keep the post going.
  • morgansmom02
    morgansmom02 Posts: 1,139 Member
    Bump will bump a post up to the top, or it will mark it for that person to come back later.
    I sent you a friend request! I can tell you that sodium is a killer - you gotta watch it. That is what I struggle with. The weight will come off slowly! Just keep an eye on your calories, fat, protein and sodium and exercise! You can do it!!!!!
  • meanemma86
    meanemma86 Posts: 68
    hi, i want to lose about 100 lbs. i have been on here for approx a month now and have lost 10 lb so far. please feel free to add me as a friend if you wish :)
  • moogyface
    moogyface Posts: 8
    I am currently needing to lose 100 pounds but decided to try for 50 now and when that's gone 50 more. Thought it might be easier to stay with it and be more motivated rather than seeing that I need to lose 100 and keep thinking to myself "I'm never going to lose anything" I've lost 3 pounds so far by being able to track my food and exercise.

    Bump is what I believe is a way to keep your topic on top of the list. Not sure if it is the same with all web sites though.
  • jensenkm2
    jensenkm2 Posts: 55
    Wow 75 is a really great start... even if you gained back 45 your down 30. Ive been trying to lose weight since Feb and am down 40lbs. I want to lose AT LEAST 100lbs by 2014. So I have a ways to go. Keep checking in those calories and trying to squeeze in a work out from time to time and you will see the weight come off.
  • scapez
    scapez Posts: 2,018 Member
    When you "bump" a topic it brings it to the top of your topics list for easier reference later on.

    Regarding having over 100 lbs. to lose, check out this group, I'm sure you'll get lots of motivation there!

  • raindance_maggie
    bump simply means you can go back and look at a thread at a later time because you responded to it...and it bumps it back up to the top of the "reading list" so to speak.

    you have friends yet? they are hands down the best way to keep your *kitten* in gear...grab as many like-minded people you can and get moving. youll soon learn who the friends are that will keep you motivated and going and those that arent and soon youll have your own tight knit group of friends that you can count on.

    and always always always go to the "success stories" section of hte forums...those pictures these awesome people put up are motivation enough...
  • juicyfruitkk
    juicyfruitkk Posts: 95 Member
    If it makes you feel any better, in my early 20's I had taken off about 45lbs. I went to school, got married and gained all of it plus some back. I was so unhappy and unhealthy.
    I lost about 50lbs and then someone told me about MFP and I joined last fall and have taken off 41lbs to date.
    I fell off the clean eating band wagon a few times (mostly going out to dinner or events type things) but I'm deteremined to take off another 60-65lbs through sticking to my calorie goals and working out. My goal is to be healthy/fit not just skinny. Some days are easier than others but if you REALLY want this for yourself (and you have to in order for it to work, no one else can do it for you) you'll stick with it.

    Just remember, one day at a time :smile: and be proud of your hard work!
    Best of luck!!
  • SuperAmie
    SuperAmie Posts: 307 Member
    To answer a couple questions, BUMP is something people post to keep the topic alive, also people on here use it to "mark" the thread in there profile, it tells us what we've commented on, so they can go back to it later. If you didnt want a thread to get lost in the lists.. you'd also say bump.. so you can "bump" it up the lists.. If that makes sense...

    This site has helped me an tons of people ive "met" loose weight, with forums like this and encouraging friends. Kind of a fitness-like facebook without all the bells and whistles. You add friends and see there updates, which encourages you.. you post bad days/ good days..i didnt enjoy it here without my friends.. i posted a blog kinda like yours and asked for more people to "be my friend" I have a crazy amount of people on mine with lots of goals.. all very different. its the motivation and stories they give, and I give back. THats my blarb. :) We can be friends if you'd like too. lol.
  • lilmzzgreeneyez
    lilmzzgreeneyez Posts: 133 Member
    hey i have over 100 lbs to lose as well. if you want to friend me we can work toward our goals together! i can say that this site really helps because you can watch ur calories sugar, fat sodium protein and carbs and try to stay within the limits and it honestly helps soo much. i have lost 20 lbs since i started on here a month ago.
  • denisekh88
    denisekh88 Posts: 53
    This site absolutely works...if you are realistic in your goals. You should only lose 1-2 pounds a week. Anything faster than that you will not be sucessful long term...at least in my opinion. You have to be dedicated and log your food and exercise every day. I have been on here since February and have lost 32 pounds. This is the first time I have ever been successful. Get some friends on here to help cheer you on...the support is so helpful. Feel free to add me as a friend and good luck in your journey...YOU CAN DO IT!
  • kk281
    kk281 Posts: 66 Member
    a bump is someone basically re-posting a forum topic. you post to a topic and it shows activity as being more recent.

    I started out at 340 i am down to 270 now and will be down to 200 by the end of the year. i do a carb restrictive diet and have had much success with it. the key to any diet is that it is only as good as the amount of effort you put into sticking with it.

    This is a great site to get inspiration, track calories, and get new ideas.
  • JenaePavlak
    JenaePavlak Posts: 350 Member
    You can do it! It's really mind over matter and gaining control. Routine and habits need to change for you to win.

    I've lost over 50lbs (go to my profile or to my fb page www.facebook.com/jenaesmithfitness to see the before and afters)..

    Bump is just a tag so you can come read a post quickly from your recent forum posts.
  • sarahrbraun
    sarahrbraun Posts: 2,261 Member
    I have about 70# to lose, and it is HARD.

    Personally, I am rather biased towards WW. About 7 years ago I followed WW, and the carb levels were too high for me to handle--I gained 30 pounds in about 4 months and ended up insulin resistant. Under my doctors suggestion, I ditched WW and began following a modified version of Atkins. I lost 20 pounds in 2 months and reversed the IR. I have since gained the weight back, and then some ( getting pregnant didn't help). I just recently went back to lower carbs, and it is working for me!

    BUMP is basically a way of bookmarking a post. The site registers a *reply* and files it under "my topics" and shows a record of the last 25 posts you replied to--makes it much easier to go back and look at when you have more time.
  • FitLink
    FitLink Posts: 1,317 Member
    Almost 3 years ago I lost 75 pounds and still had about 90 to go. Well since then I've gained back 45 of it. I started WW a month ago and it's coming off way to slowly (my 3rd week I lost 0.2...are you frickin kidding me?!) and it's so frustrating and discouraging. I started on MFP on Saturday because a friend at work asked me to join her. It's been really encouraging reading about success storied and knowing there are so many people struggling with my same goals, and gets me excited again about where I need to be and what I need to be doing. I don't discount people only having to lose 20 or 30 pounds, but it's not the quite the same as someone who has to lose 100+ such as myself. I guess in short I would love to know how this site really works by keeping each other motivated and how we stay in contact with people we meet. And lastly what is a "bump", it's something I've seen on peoples' posts?

    A bump has two purposes. It keeps a thread up near the top because it keeps it recent, and it puts it in your profile's list of posts so it's easy to find.
  • themommie
    themommie Posts: 5,012 Member
    I just recently reached my goal of losing 100lbs it took me 21 mths, so as you can see it didnt come off fast but the important thing is it did come off. When i first started losing 100 lbs seemed impossible so I just concentrated on 10 lbs at a time and for every 10 lbs i lost I bought myself a pair of earrings. Just stick with it one day at a time. The most important thing for me was planning ahead, not waiting until I was hungry to decide what to eat. Looking up nutritional info before I go out to eat and decide ahead of time what to order. I hope this helps. You can do it
  • rkdoneburg
    rkdoneburg Posts: 5 Member
    Thank you all for your advice and friendly suggestions and motivation. This is exactly the kind of thing I need to stay motivated and keep on track. I CAN DO THIS!! :)
  • littlewitch1973
    I had 235 pounds to lose when I started over a year ago. It seems like its so daunting, and impossible, but if you do it in 10 or 25 pound increments, it is SO doable!! I look now, and realize I have another 100 pounds to lose. This means, either 10 more mini goals or 4. Honeslty, my next goal is 15 pounds - that will be 150 lost, meaning I have less than 100 to lose! I am not willing to give up - especially seeing how far I have come.

    Good luck to you!! :wink:
  • minkakross
    minkakross Posts: 687 Member
    Don't mean to be rude but since we can't see your diary to know how on track you've been during your small loss, I'm left with questions. Have you seen your doctor and made sure you are not insulin resistant or have any other medical condition which might lead to a more specific diet plan than just counting points. Also, have you considered weight loss surgery? I ask the later because while it is still very hard work you can't fail because you've lost motivation, your body will still lose because your intake is restricted. You also seem to want faster results which you get with the surgery option.