Gained weight from SSRI. Anyone else in the same boat?



  • kelsiehoagland
    kelsiehoagland Posts: 107 Member
    But, to me, depression is different from anxiety and panic disorder.

    It definitely is. I have anxiety and body dysmorphic disorder (BDD) and I know that neither is anything like depression. I feel sad about how I look and will cry about it, but that's simply BDD, not depression. I can't imagine what depression is like.

    I don't think it was right for that doctor to put me on an SSRI, considering I don't need to be treated for depression at all...
  • DrMAvDPhD
    DrMAvDPhD Posts: 2,097 Member
    Please notify your doctors and pharmacists if you have not already done so that you have chosen to stop taking the medications.
  • kelsiehoagland
    kelsiehoagland Posts: 107 Member
    Stop taking drugs! Your body uses amino acids to produce serotonin! Drugs cause devastating side effects.

    Are you a doctor?

    'Cause if you're not a doctor - the kind that went to medical school for a bunch of years - then you don't have any business telling people what drugs they should or should not take.

    Haha that's kinda what I thought.
    While I agree that drugs may have detrimental effects, it's never okay to advise someone to stop taking meds unless you are a doctor.
  • kelsiehoagland
    kelsiehoagland Posts: 107 Member
    Please notify your doctors and pharmacists if you have not already done so that you have chosen to stop taking the medications.

    I actually saw my doctor yesterday. She's the one that helped me to wean off Celexa. I had a hard time getting a hold of her to quit taking Busbar, but I told her yesterday at my appointment and she said it was fine to stop because I was only on it for a couple of weeks.
  • HiKaren
    HiKaren Posts: 1,306 Member
    Yeah... I did gain weight before after starting taking meds for depression. Which made me more depressed. I pretty much figured out that, I do much better without any of the SSRI at all. Then it took even longer to lose the 15 -20 lbs. Which seemed even harder to take off... Buts it IS possible. When I took those, I kinda felt like I was always walking at a "Slant" and balance was off, only one kind made my mood better. They tried 3 different types for me. Although I found out that, I do much better without any of them. Part of my horrible mood had to do with really, really, really, bad eating habits, and the fact that I hardly had any nutrients in my body because of a ED. I know that everyone wants to lose weight, so they will look better & acheive the # on the scale, fit in a certain size, wear a "Bikini". But along with feeding our bodies what it needs, we are also giving ourselves a chance to feel better mentally. It really helps mood to eat nutritionally. And utilize the nutrients. : ) So it can be a win, win situation. Its like a GOOD domino effect. I wish you luck. : )
  • lauleipop
    lauleipop Posts: 260 Member
    Have you ever been on an SSRI that caused weight gain?

    I've taken several medications for mental health reasons which caused weight gain. It's a common side effect. I have never taken Celex. However, YMMV on medications. I took a medication that is "weight neutral," (average weight gain is 6 lbs). But I lost weight taking it. I took another medication that is "weight neutral" and gained 15 lbs.
    How long did it take for your metabolism to return to normal?

    If the medication is the cause of the weight gain, you can anticipate your metabolism has a "new normal." Don't expect the weight to decrease the same way it increased.
    Was it harder to lose the weight that you gained from the SSRI than any other time you've lost weight? (that's my situation. The weight will not come off).

    For me, it was impossible. I gained 30 lbs in 4 months on a particular medication. My caloric intake reflected that I should not have gained that weight. Working with a battery of Dr's over 6 weeks to try to lose weight while taking that medication and I lost not a single pound. Changed medications and lost 20 lbs in 5 weeks, without "dieting" or increased exercise.

    Feel free to tell anyone who says medication can't cause weight gain to STFU. Clinical study after clinical study tests the side effects of medications, I'm certain they can accurately determine whether weight gain results from medication.
  • Pirschjaeger
    Pirschjaeger Posts: 15 Member
    I have taken several SSRI's and did not gain any weight from them. But I gained 24 pounds from Abilify, along with another drug that I took before. I heard that Wellbutrin (a different type of antidepressant, a NDRI) can actually cause weight loss. However, I don't know that it helps for anxiety issues.

    EDIT: opps hit something before I got to type everything out
  • katysmelly
    katysmelly Posts: 380 Member
    I took Celexa in the past with great success. I don't remember any weight gain. It was useful for me in the winter because I live in the far North and our winters are dark and rainy.

    Then, last winter, it didn't work for me. And, now I can't take it because there's concern that it may trigger mania. (That's just ME. Not everyone has the same experience.)

    Anyway, my point: I can't take SSRI's. I am now working on managing my moods with Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT). Many studies have found that CBT is more effective for managing mood disorders than medications for the majority of people. So, if you can't take meds, don't despair: you may find CBT is actually even better.

    Also, CBT can be self-taught. You can literally learn it from web sites and books. It's just a method of training yourself to have different thoughts, so that you will then have different feelings. It seems a bit incredible, at first, but most people who try it will find that it works very quickly and isn't that hard if you put your mind to giving it a try.
  • tmos512
    tmos512 Posts: 119 Member
    I've been on Celexa 10 months now. I did gain about 20 lbs, but I'd rather be overweight than be the way I was before I started taking the medicine. I've managed to stop the gain and am gradually going down now that it's a problem. I talked to my Dr., she said that some people just react this way to SSRI's and suggested WW (which I did and lost weight) but then decided to switch back to MFP - so here I am. :bigsmile:
  • kelsiehoagland
    kelsiehoagland Posts: 107 Member
    I took Celexa in the past with great success. I don't remember any weight gain. It was useful for me in the winter because I live in the far North and our winters are dark and rainy.

    Then, last winter, it didn't work for me. And, now I can't take it because there's concern that it may trigger mania. (That's just ME. Not everyone has the same experience.)

    Anyway, my point: I can't take SSRI's. I am now working on managing my moods with Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT). Many studies have found that CBT is more effective for managing mood disorders than medications for the majority of people. So, if you can't take meds, don't despair: you may find CBT is actually even better.

    Also, CBT can be self-taught. You can literally learn it from web sites and books. It's just a method of training yourself to have different thoughts, so that you will then have different feelings. It seems a bit incredible, at first, but most people who try it will find that it works very quickly and isn't that hard if you put your mind to giving it a try.

    My therapist has been working with me with CBT. It has helped a lot. The pills were just an idea, which obviously didn't work out for me!
  • sinclare
    sinclare Posts: 369 Member
    I've been on almost all of them. Yes, I gained weight.

    But the trade-off is worth it, if your depression is as bad as mine was/is.

    I would rather carry extra weight, and work on losing it, than be paralyzed by the depression and unable to function.