Pain from walking

I was really really hitting the pavement for a month and now I am laid up with knee, ankle and foot pain. I have been resting for a few days, and I feel some improvement, but i really dislike not being able to walk.

Has anyone else experienced this and what was your down time and what did you do to get back into the swing of things.

Thanks! Best to all!


  • daylily2005
    daylily2005 Posts: 203 Member
    what kind of pain exactly? could be shin splints, though that usually doesn't affect your ankle. Could be a stress fracture, but i've usually heard of them from running (that was my experience). could be lots of other things.

    how much were you walking? and on what type of surface?
  • hooperkay
    hooperkay Posts: 463 Member
    shoe inserts work good for foot pain. Make sure you have good tennis shoes too. Be sure and stretch really good before walking.
  • sultriejazz

    I've been walking as part of my exercise program for the past two years. That isn't to say that I make it out everyday, but I do go at least 4-5 times a week around our small town. I blew out my knee about three years ago, so I have to be careful when walking. I also have arthritis in my knees and ankles. (Sounds like fun? not... :grumble: ) I use acetaminophen for pain and ice on the knee. Sometimes wrapping my knee with an ACE wrap bandage will help support it. Hope this helps.
  • sazzyp1973
    sazzyp1973 Posts: 517 Member
    I damaged my feet by doing loads of walking in comfy trainers that I discovered were actually giving me the worse support possible. Are you wearing good shoes for the walking?
  • daylily2005
    daylily2005 Posts: 203 Member
    i dont' recommend just going out and buying random inserts. not everyone has the same stride, pronation, etc. if you wanna check out inserts, go have someone do it properly. i don't know where you are but any kind of runner's store that sells good shoes could do this.

    my advice without knowing much else, wrap your knee in an ace bandage, take some advil (tylenol doesn't help with inflammation), ice it a few times a day, and try not to do "impactful" activities (jumping, hard walking, etc).
  • missfit12
    missfit12 Posts: 10
    thanks for all the replies. it started on the top of my right foot after about 2miles. Yes, I stupidly kept going. Then it moved into my right inside ankle and both knees. Under knee caps and inside of knees. Doctor did xrays for stress fractures but nothing showed. I have read that xrays will not show stress fractures......? Now it is concentrated in the same inside ankle and the heels and when I walk it hurts like hell at the back of the foot up from the heel.

    So, i have been taking perocet, the pain at times is really bad and it actually makes me cry and i have a high pain threshold.

    I have not walked in almost a week..........major withdrawals but I guess i was overdoing it. 4 to 7 miles a day on roads and some steep hills. i think the jogging may have took me over the edge as I already have arthritis from Lyme.
  • Gingeeee
    Gingeeee Posts: 28
    Misfit, I have had all the pain you are mentioning, and even bone spurs. I had to have surgery on one of my feet for plantar fachitis, they had to cut the band on the bottom of my foot because I went out on the track and jogged way to soon and way to much so the elastic band stretched out in my foot and didnt go back in place. I might be wrong, but you should not overdo it. Walk every other day and start out going 1 mile and increase it as the weeks pass. Sound like your not use to exercising and your pushing yourself way to much. Recover for awhile, get a good pair of walking shoes and start out slow and work your way up.
  • DG_Allen
    DG_Allen Posts: 219 Member
    It does sound like too much too soon. Do the Rest Ice Compression and Elevation to help get the inflamation down.

    You should also think about trying to walk very lightly. When you get back on your feet, walk around barefoot a little and see what it feels like. Bend your knees more and take shorter step. The last think you want to think about is "hitting the pavement" or "jogging." What do joggers do? Pound their feet into the ground, not good at all. Walk lightly and if you can run easiily.

    The problem with shoes is they can mask muscle imbalances and bad technique until it's too late.
  • ItsPheebs
    ItsPheebs Posts: 127 Member
    Hmmmm ... I have a few suggestions. I had a really bad sprain a few months ago and these are things I do (it still gets achy).

    * Ice after a work out
    * A little heat before a work out (helps warm it up)
    * Gentle foot exercises
    * Epsom salt soaks
    * Wearing a compression bandage when I'm active
    * Massage: Sometimes when we have pain in one area, another area overcompensates and hurts. I thought I hurt my knee a while back, but it was actually my hamstring that was knotted up. Massage and new stretches help.

    I'm sorry about the Lyme. :frown: If you have the option, naturopathic docs can help with great ways to improve nutrition and other things to get you back on track. Sometimes better and faster than Western docs.

    p.s. And going to a running store to have them watch you run and see if you need different shoes really helps. Even if you don't run, just walk, and even if you don't buy anything. :wink: