

  • WifeNMama
    WifeNMama Posts: 2,876 Member
    Setting your diary to public might get you more specific advice. Otherwise we're all just guessing.

    Yes, this please.

    Try eating oatmeal with peanut butter in the morning. It keeps me feeling full longer than any other breakfast. Definitely get the protein and fibre in, and yet to eat the most calories during the time of day that you usually get so hungry. If you skim a bit off of other meals and have extra for that time, you won't go hog wild.
  • fishiesintheseaa
    fishiesintheseaa Posts: 45 Member
    Oops! I just made my diary public. Thanks for all the feed back everyone. I will definitely be more conscious of drinking more water and getting more protein. But according to MFP, I am getting enough protein. Ugh, I just don't know!
  • missfelicia6
    missfelicia6 Posts: 174 Member
    Try drinking green tea! I make a huge pot of it and then pour it into an old milk container and refrigerate it. It speeds up metabolism and burns body fat
  • fishiesintheseaa
    fishiesintheseaa Posts: 45 Member
    I looove green tea and have been drinking it pretty often at night. I never thought of making a big pot and saving it though! Thats a great idea!
  • mkbledsoe
    mkbledsoe Posts: 132
    I have the exact same problem. I, too, am always hungry. I did pretty well on my diet for about 3 months and then the hunger came back. I am not talking about just mindless eating because I am bored. I am talking about my stomach growling and hurting and feeling empty. I have just upped my calorie intake for a while. I would rather just eat and not lose weight than to lose control and go completely off the rails and eat everything in sight. I have upped my calorie intake to around 2000 and have kept up with my exercise. I have only been losing about 1 lb. per month. But the last time I lost control on my eating, I gained 30 lbs. in 3 months. I don't want that to happen again. When I think I can handle it, I'll try dropping my calories back down to 1600-1800 again. This is going to be a lifetime battle for me so I have to do whatever it takes to get through the tough times without completely derailing my weightloss.
  • fishiesintheseaa
    fishiesintheseaa Posts: 45 Member
    Hmm, now that I am going back through my food diary, I see that the days I had a loooot of carbs were the days I was really hungry. The days I had carbs left over were the days I felt fine. This is really interesting. I am going to try and cut down on carbs for sure!
  • boldtsmith
    boldtsmith Posts: 120 Member
    "The trick, William Potter, is not minding that it hurts."
  • rawhidenadz
    rawhidenadz Posts: 254 Member
    Are you eating enough fat?
  • verptwerp
    verptwerp Posts: 3,659 Member
    Speaking only for myself :smile: .....

    All the years I ate junk food, I should have been eating real food ...... and it wasn't always about the calories & weight ...... sometimes foods are just addictive ......... in my case it was sugar & salt ...... eating junk promotes eating more junk ..... it's a vicious cycle.

    Three years ago I went cold turkey on sweets, salty stuff & baked goods ....... nowadays I'll eat them, but in very small amounts ..... and I plan for them, like a hotdog at a ballgame ......

    There are great nuggets of information here ...... see what works for you .... and best of luck !
  • dvisser1
    dvisser1 Posts: 788 Member
    If you are exercising regularly, are you logging that? If not start logging it, you might find you're net calories are way below the 1400 goal right now. With exercise, I recommend eating back your exercise calories to refuel your body. The calorie deficit to lose weight is built into that net calorie goal, so as long as you hold to that net you will lose weight.

    What is your weight loss goal per week set at? Are you at the maximum of 2 lbs per week? That translates to 1000 calorie deficit built into your net calorie goal per day.

    If you're constantly hungry, it's your body trying to tell you something. Protein, high fiber whole foods (veggies, beans, nuts, etc) and water do help.
  • SLally
    SLally Posts: 33
    haha o the wonderful symptom of getting healthier! like whats been mentioned, water before a meal, eat every 2-3hrs, try buying whey powder and making smoothies (plain is better no sugars due to flavouring). good luck!!!!