how do i get..

The rest of my family to at least cooperate with me A LITTLE?

I lost 20 pounds when I was away at college. Mostly, I ate whatever I wanted, but I went to the gym five days a week without fail for at least 35 minutes. I've been working out at home for at least the same amount of time AND riding one or two horses a day. Yet somehow, I've managed to gain three pounds. You're probably like, oh, three pounds, big deal - but it IS a big deal when I'm less than halfway to my goal and doing everything I can to get there. I've been home for a month, so I should be down at least four pounds. But no.

Now that I'm home, and my family are a bunch of lazy people, we eat out like once a week. Which would be fine if they would let me order a salad if I want to - I don't have to have deep fried potato stuffed fish every time we go out.. But anyway. Not only that, but they order takeaway food at least once a week as well.

And there is like no real food in this house - I'm talking vegetables or like deli meat or something. I don't even mean bread, although it is a little inconvenient when I want toast.. Everything else is like frozen pre-packaged whatever, which is fine if you're really tired and either a) don't want real food or b) don't have time to cook real food.

Before you suggest it, I can't just buy my own groceries (yay for being an unemployed loser!), and I've tried telling my mother to get things that I want when she goes shopping, but she comes home with things like macaroni and cheese and pasta and all of these other things that I just don't eat. And obviously, I can't not eat, but I'm not going to make an entire box of macaroni and cheese if no one is going to help me eat it (I can't eat it reheated).

So pretty much, I'm asking all of you what you did to get a little cooperation for healthiness from your people?


  • QueChulaYo
    QueChulaYo Posts: 71
    Healthy food choices are so key not only for losing weight, but to establishing a new way of eating, so if mom is buying the food she is the one you should make a list of certain food items you want to eat.
    Exercise, water and rest are equally important to weight loss, I am by far no expert and only tell you what I do in my family.
    Sit down with them and really tell them what you are feeling and how important it is to you. Good Luck!
  • ZenInTexas
    ZenInTexas Posts: 781 Member
    Go to the grocery store with your mom. Help her pick healthier options.:smile:
  • leslisa
    leslisa Posts: 1,350 Member
    Go to the grocery store with your mom. Help her pick healthier options.:smile:

    This. Do this. Also, ask for chicken and offer to make it for everyone. Chicken fajitas, chicken with sauce, etc. Tell them you'll make dinner.
  • DrMAvDPhD
    DrMAvDPhD Posts: 2,097 Member
    You're in college. You seem like you are old enough to choose your own foods at a restaurant. You also seem old enough to buy and cook your own meals. You cannot expect others to change with you, that is a choice they must make on their own.