I'm so confused and need help, new to MFP also...

Hello, I'm Tracy. I am completely confused and have tried and heard so many things that I'm not sure what works and what doesn't anymore. I have lost 51 pounds already. I used to weigh 218lbs. Was wearing a size 18. Now I'm in a size 10. Lost 30 on my own just cutting back and exercising. Then I hit a plateau. Joined Weight Watchers, it took an entire year to drop 21 pounds. Since then, for the past year and half I've been stuck between 172-175lbs. I tried a new diet I heard about called Paleo, I eliminated all carbs pretty much, except fruit and sweet potato. It was really restrictive. I got down to 168lbs. It took 3 months, I had one weekend off and boom, gained 6 pounds back. Which is where I am at now, 174. I want to drop 25 pounds....is MFP the answer...I feel completely lost, I'm really down about the fact that I have not been able to loose anymore weight and I've tried almost everything. Please help, I really need to hear from people that have been having success with this, I don;t know where else to turn. Also, are you suppose to have calories left over at the end of the day...is that the point??? Sorry, it;s my first day trying this.


  • mcarter99
    mcarter99 Posts: 1,666 Member
    Welcome, Tracy. I feel so bad for you, especially because you're new here and confused and asking for advice here, you will get a ton of conflicting advice, a lot of it bad and just plain incorrect, and you won't know who's got the good advice.

    Draw from your WW knowledge. Did they ever tell you to increase your points to break a plateau or to keep at it and exercise more and make sure you're logging accurately?

    If your question about calories is relating to a goal MFP set for you, yes, you want to aim for that number or below it, but not too far below it unless it really feels too high. I'm guessing it told you to eat 1200? Theoretically, if you're doing big workouts, you could 'add back' your workout calories. So if you burn 500 at Zumba, eat 1700 that day, if you want.