Confused on exercise, MFP & FItBit Tracking

ellnie_ Posts: 15 Member
Hello, I am new to FitBit and MFP so I apologize if this has been answered over and over again but I can't seem to find a simple, DIRECT answer.

When I exercise, step or weights or running, am I SUPPOSED to start/stop my FitBit timer AND log my exercise on MFP?

Or am I supposed to not start/stop my FitBit timer and log my exercise on MFP?

Or am I supposed to not start/stop my FitBit & not log my exercise on MFP?

I feel lie if I do the first two I'm 'double dipping' ...

I'm just confused on what I'm supposed to do to a) get the most out of my FitBit & MFP as well as get calories burned to be the most accurate. I am currently set to sedentary, allowed 1200 calories a day. This leads me to my next question.

I used to use LiveStrong to track my food, not MFP. I was allowed 1200 calories a day with NO adjustment. I didn't lose weight faster than 1.5/week I wanted to so I'm concerned that with the adjustment I'm going to stay steady or gain. Help! Right now I'm just eating 1200 calories and ignoring the adjustment but doesn't that defeat the point of the FitBit? Or I've read about increasing to light vs. sedentary?

Bottom line- someone just tell me in plain English what I'm supposed to be doing, please!!! :)


  • Ready2Rock206
    Ready2Rock206 Posts: 9,487 Member
    People do it different but I only use the stopwatch for sleeping.

    For walking, running, those types of exercises I don't do anything because FitBit will automatically do its thing.

    For other exercises I note the start time and how long and log it on MFP under Cardio. At first you might show a double dip but in 5 or 10 minutes when it syncs again it will adjust and it will subtract the appropriate amount of auto-added FItBit adjustment. So no double dipping - its smart that way!
  • ellnie_
    ellnie_ Posts: 15 Member
    Thank you! That is the most concise answer I have heard after reading through a TON of these posts. I appreciate it!!

    Now, one quick question re: the timer. Can I use it just as that- a timer? For runs and things? Or will it screw with the syncing?