Unexpected But Very Nice NSV

I've never posted here before. Usually, I just read and lurk. I thought today I would share this. I have been trying C25K with RunDouble's app for Android. I started on 4/27/2012 and got stuck forever on Week 4. I'm now on my second try and Week 5 Day #2. I had let myself stop with about 4 minutes and 10 seconds left on my second 8 minute run. I walked out the rest and also my 5 minute cool down.

Walking back to my car, frustrated that I had not pushed myself, 2 women were on the track coming towards me in the opposite direction. They stopped briefly and one had mentioned she's seen me running over the past few weeks and wanted to tell me she has noticed I lost weight. I was taken aback and instead of saying "thank you" all I could mumble was "yeah guess I have". :blushing: SMH, but I was taken off guard and yeah I'm totally socially awkward. After they walked past me, she looked back and said "Very inspiring".

I thought I would just share this with anyone who may be frustrated accomplishing your goals whatever they may be. You just never know who might be watching, but better yet, where you're inspiration may come from. With that, thank you ladies I will definately use this as my inspiration to continue with C25K and push harder next time!


  • megsmom2
    megsmom2 Posts: 2,362 Member
    That's wonderful! Congratulations to you, and how nice of that woman to offer support to a stranger like that!
  • ddiana21
    ddiana21 Posts: 68 Member
    That is awesome..great job!
  • Hoppymom
    Hoppymom Posts: 1,158 Member
    That's terrific! Keep up the hard work!
  • kdeaux1959
    kdeaux1959 Posts: 2,675 Member
    I've never posted here before. Usually, I just read and lurk. I thought today I would share this. I have been trying C25K with RunDouble's app for Android. I started on 4/27/2012 and got stuck forever on Week 4. I'm now on my second try and Week 5 Day #2. I had let myself stop with about 4 minutes and 10 seconds left on my second 8 minute run. I walked out the rest and also my 5 minute cool down.

    Walking back to my car, frustrated that I had not pushed myself, 2 women were on the track coming towards me in the opposite direction. They stopped briefly and one had mentioned she's seen me running over the past few weeks and wanted to tell me she has noticed I lost weight. I was taken aback and instead of saying "thank you" all I could mumble was "yeah guess I have". :blushing: SMH, but I was taken off guard and yeah I'm totally socially awkward. After they walked past me, she looked back and said "Very inspiring".

    I thought I would just share this with anyone who may be frustrated accomplishing your goals whatever they may be. You just never know who might be watching, but better yet, where you're inspiration may come from. With that, thank you ladies I will definitely use this as my inspiration to continue with C25K and push harder next time!

    1. Programs are great... but they have to be tailored to the individual... Perhaps, for you (I see you have lost about 30 lbs but are still about 60 lbs over... this can be very significant for some)... Maybe continue to work on your c25K program BUT accept that you will be moving a bit slower than some... That is OK. Dont sweat it... You are not just getting off the couch... You also have physical limitations that some using that program don't have. Try to look on the positive side.

    2. Nothing like getting into social situations and meeting people like that to help with social awkwardness. Give yourself some credit, you did speak back. It is so good when people encourage us that way. The ability to accept compliments does not come easy for some of us... In our own eyes, we are never good enough... They see another perspective... Try to see yourself through that person's eyes. It can be most rewarding.

    3. Congrats on losing 30 lbs... That is awesome... you are 1/3 the way to your goal (close enough anyway)... Keep up the great work and try not to be quite so hard on yourself. Yeah, you are out of shape... we all are or we would not be here... well, most of us are anyway... The thing about it is that you have the gumption to do something about it. Remember this Thomas Edison failed more times than he succeeded when creating the light bulb... But once the light went on, we celebrate his one success... not his 200 failures... Keep your head up and win this thing... Best wishes on your journey.
  • tnbrown28
    tnbrown28 Posts: 8 Member
    Thanks to all who took time to read this post! I just thought I would share that awesome moment!