Losing weight too fast?

Saken Posts: 476
edited September 20 in Health and Weight Loss
Hey guys and galls, i have question:
Before i came to MFP i had lost almost 5 kilos in 4 months +/- that's about 11lbs in 4 months.
Now that i am in MFP and that i decided to make some healhier choises in food i am loosing in between .2 and .4 kilos per day!!!! that's in between almost half lbs and a full lbs per day!!!
If we dont count the 4 days i was on vacations were i gained 1kg in 4 days, when i reached home on monday i was 136.5, the next day i was 136.0, 135.5 135.1 134.8 and today 134.6.
Do you reckon this might be the water retetion of the full kilo and a haft that i gained in this vacations? or should i start eating a litle bit more? or do i need to change the batteries of my scale? lol



  • SHBoss1673
    SHBoss1673 Posts: 7,161 Member
    I would say this is what's called random daily fluctuation, IMHO you shouldn't weigh yourself more than once a week, it'll drive you crazy.
  • Saken
    Saken Posts: 476
    I would say this is what's called random daily fluctuation, IMHO you shouldn't weigh yourself more than once a week, it'll drive you crazy.

    weighting myself once a week doesnt let me know what i am doing wrong... as if i eat something that's high in calls it will show on next day or two..., even so, if i weighed myself once a week i would say that i had 136.5 and next week 134.6 that's 5lbs in a week!
  • kimber607
    kimber607 Posts: 7,128 Member
    Hey :flowerforyou:

    Boss took the words out of my mouth.....please only weigh in ONCE a week......
    There are so many reasons why our weight fluctuates from day to day and it may not have anything to do with what you ate or didn't eat....
    If u eat clean and work-out, u shouldn't need to worry about having to weigh in daily
    Even doing that there may be weeks you don't loose but will make up for that lose the following week
    This is a long term solution....don't focus so much on the day to day.....just my .02

  • Shanta1983
    Shanta1983 Posts: 1,228 Member
    Hey :flowerforyou:

    Boss took the words out of my mouth.....please only weigh in ONCE a week......
    There are so many reasons why our weight fluctuates from day to day and it may not have anything to do with what you ate or didn't eat....
    If u eat clean and work-out, u shouldn't need to worry about having to weigh in daily
    Even doing that there may be weeks you don't loose but will make up for that lose the following week
    This is a long term solution....don't focus so much on the day to day.....just my .02


    DITTO :flowerforyou:
  • LeeiaL
    LeeiaL Posts: 40
    Short term flucutations are usually due to water retention.

    Best strategy, as others have said, is to weigh yourself once every 2 weeks, the same time of day before eating and after using the bathroom in the A.M. That way, you'll have an accurate number that reflects what your body is really doing.

    Short term weight changes (i.e., 1-3 days) cannot be counted on as accurate measurements of weight/fat loss. If after weighing yourself the correct way, you still feel you are losing too much weight, then adjust your calories upwards accordingly.

    It would help to know your age, weight, height and how much weight you have to lose.
  • Saken
    Saken Posts: 476
    Short term flucutations are usually due to water retention.

    Best strategy, as others have said, is to weigh yourself once every 2 weeks, the same time of day before eating and after using the bathroom in the A.M. That way, you'll have an accurate number that reflects what your body is really doing.

    Short term weight changes (i.e., 1-3 days) cannot be counted on as accurate measurements of weight/fat loss. If after weighing yourself the correct way, you still feel you are losing too much weight, then adjust your calories upwards accordingly.

    It would help to know your age, weight, height and how much weight you have to lose.

    i'm 27, almost 6 ft and 134.6kg (about 295lbs)
  • onmywaytoskinny155
    onmywaytoskinny155 Posts: 228 Member
    I weigh every day and it is driving me nuts but I just can't help it! I need therapy!
  • Saken
    Saken Posts: 476
    lol, it never drives me crazy :p
  • BrendaLee
    BrendaLee Posts: 4,463 Member
    I would say this is what's called random daily fluctuation, IMHO you shouldn't weigh yourself more than once a week, it'll drive you crazy.

    weighting myself once a week doesnt let me know what i am doing wrong... as if i eat something that's high in calls it will show on next day or two..., even so, if i weighed myself once a week i would say that i had 136.5 and next week 134.6 that's 5lbs in a week!

    Weighing every day doesn't give you a good representation of whether what you're doing is working for you or not. You need at least a week, or even 2 to see the full effects of your diet/ exercise plan. I weigh every couple of weeks or more. I'd go crazy if I had a set of scales at home.
  • czewwhat
    czewwhat Posts: 8,715
    My first 10 pounds dropped off so fast I thought it was going to be a couple of months to lose my weight! it slows down and picks up! Just stay in your calorie range and eat good foods, get your exercise and water, water water! Weighing every day is a sanity robber! Sometimes we are holding not passed bowel functions, sometimes we just emptied the tank. pick a day and time you can live with and stick to once a week! Morning after emptying your bladder and bowels is good before eating or drinking anything!
    Stressing over it will slow down your weight loss because our brain tells us to hang on to fat while we are under stress! Be calm, and set a happy routine!
  • ohdank
    ohdank Posts: 9
    I love chinchillas!
  • Azdak
    Azdak Posts: 8,281 Member
    I would say this is what's called random daily fluctuation, IMHO you shouldn't weigh yourself more than once a week, it'll drive you crazy.

    weighting myself once a week doesnt let me know what i am doing wrong... as if i eat something that's high in calls it will show on next day or two..., even so, if i weighed myself once a week i would say that i had 136.5 and next week 134.6 that's 5lbs in a week!

    Weighing yourself every day doesn't let you know what you are doing wrong, either. Hence, the term "random...fluctuation".

    You can weigh yourself every day, but you have to understand what you are seeing and what is going on. The scale weighs everything and, if you are following an exercise program, there are lots of internal fluctuations taking place every day. Just for fun, I weighed myself every day for my first 4 months, just to have a nice, consistent graph. After the first couple of weeks, I fell into a "stairstep" pattern--the weight would stay level for several days in a row, then drop rather steeply for a 1-3 days, then level off again.
  • Saken
    Saken Posts: 476
    well i dont know about that but:
    133.8kg today
  • hasiangirl
    hasiangirl Posts: 1,613
    i hate to say it but i'm in the same boat as saken....except i weigh myself about 3 times a day lmao..... an hour after each meal....if i dont gain more than 1lbs then i ate a perfect portion..and its stood true everytime i eat the RIGHT amount....if i over eat then my weight fluctuates about 2-3lbs..... but anyways about the question

    dont guys lose more weight than women? lol not to sound sexist or anything but my boyfriend ate like a pig (on good foods) for a month and exercised and lost 24lbs.....and then laughed at me cuz i hadnt even lost that 2 and a half months :grumble: :grumble: ....but he's also bigger and i think the bigger u are the more weight u can lose right?...i guess im just adding another question to ur question lmao... god im in a ditzy mood today, ok i'mma shut up now :laugh:
  • Shanta1983
    Shanta1983 Posts: 1,228 Member
    i hate to say it but i'm in the same boat as saken....except i weigh myself about 3 times a day lmao..... an hour after each meal....if i dont gain more than 1lbs then i ate a perfect portion..and its stood true everytime i eat the RIGHT amount....if i over eat then my weight fluctuates about 2-3lbs..... but anyways about the question

    dont guys lose more weight than women? lol not to sound sexist or anything but my boyfriend ate like a pig (on good foods) for a month and exercised and lost 24lbs.....and then laughed at me cuz i hadnt even lost that 2 and a half months :grumble: :grumble: ....but he's also bigger and i think the bigger u are the more weight u can lose right?...i guess im just adding another question to ur question lmao... god im in a ditzy mood today, ok i'mma shut up now :laugh:

    I agree with everything you saying and yes guys do loose weight more faster and the more you weigh you loose fast at first for women not sure bout the Guys
  • Kristi82
    Kristi82 Posts: 80 Member
    I was weighing myself everyday and it would make me crazy if I gained a pound. Now I'm taking the advice of many on here and trying to only weight in once a week.
  • SHBoss1673
    SHBoss1673 Posts: 7,161 Member
    i hate to say it but i'm in the same boat as saken....except i weigh myself about 3 times a day lmao..... an hour after each meal....if i dont gain more than 1lbs then i ate a perfect portion..and its stood true everytime i eat the RIGHT amount....if i over eat then my weight fluctuates about 2-3lbs..... but anyways about the question

    dont guys lose more weight than women? lol not to sound sexist or anything but my boyfriend ate like a pig (on good foods) for a month and exercised and lost 24lbs.....and then laughed at me cuz i hadnt even lost that 2 and a half months :grumble: :grumble: ....but he's also bigger and i think the bigger u are the more weight u can lose right?...i guess im just adding another question to ur question lmao... god im in a ditzy mood today, ok i'mma shut up now :laugh:

    seriously? 3 times a day? I...... um, I'm kind of speechless.
  • hasiangirl
    hasiangirl Posts: 1,613
    i hate to say it but i'm in the same boat as saken....except i weigh myself about 3 times a day lmao..... an hour after each meal....if i dont gain more than 1lbs then i ate a perfect portion..and its stood true everytime i eat the RIGHT amount....if i over eat then my weight fluctuates about 2-3lbs..... but anyways about the question

    dont guys lose more weight than women? lol not to sound sexist or anything but my boyfriend ate like a pig (on good foods) for a month and exercised and lost 24lbs.....and then laughed at me cuz i hadnt even lost that 2 and a half months :grumble: :grumble: ....but he's also bigger and i think the bigger u are the more weight u can lose right?...i guess im just adding another question to ur question lmao... god im in a ditzy mood today, ok i'mma shut up now :laugh:

    seriously? 3 times a day? I...... um, I'm kind of speechless.
    lol thats on a slow day....i'll stop lying to myself......its usually anywhere from 3-6times :blushing: :blushing: i am very complusive and i have a very addictive personality.....if i go pee i weigh myself after......when i wake up i weigh myself.....before bed........so on so forth :laugh: i am a looney bin lmao aka headcase.....:ohwell: :blushing: :laugh:
  • Saken
    Saken Posts: 476
    Yesterday i surpassed my callories by 300, meaning that i ate more than i should...
    guess what?
    133.7, i only lost 100grams (about 1/4lbs)
    if these are weight fluctuations i dont wanna wake up one day and weight myself to find that i am back with 135.5, not to mention that this week i was 136.5 and now (monday) i am 133.7 that's 6,17lbs in a week.
    I am not sure if this had anything to do with water retention, as when i started my plan two weeks ago i was 135.5kg and i gained 1 extra kilo in 4 days that i was in a trip, even so, since i started my plan, in two weeks i lost 3.7lbs that's 1.85lbs a week, sounds reasonable or should i start eating more?
  • SHBoss1673
    SHBoss1673 Posts: 7,161 Member
    I'm going to reply to both of these last two if that's ok.

    hasiangirl, you really got some stuff going on, we've already talked in the past about what I think you should be doing. Seriously, you need to give it another try, that kind of behavior is self-destructive and can be dangerous.

    Saken, the reason weighing yourself every day is so detrimental to weight loss is because it puts you into a short term frame of mind. Weight loss should be part of an overall plan to become more healthy, and that kind of plan should be done over the course of years, weight can (and will, especially as you drop more and more of the excess fat) become an exercise in futility. The problem is, in the beginning, many people drop lots of weight fast, but when that "easy" weight comes off, then the progress slows, and people become frustrated. One thing that can heighten this frustration is developing habits that encourage it. Weighing yourself every day is one of those habits. Right now you may be seeing success daily, and that's great, but somewhere along the line that's going to stop being the case, and this can lead to frustration, possible depression, and a lapse in the program. It's as much about getting your head in a good place as it is about correct eating and exercising.
    That's my opinion anyway.

    good luck guys!

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