Dallas Texas guy, looking to change his life.

I don't really know what to say here other than i'm new. Signed up about 2 weeks ago, used the counter for a few days, then went on vacation. Just got back, and am ready to put a lot of time into this. I'm ready to be a healthy person again.

I've been big all my life, 300lbs at my worst, but then decided to join the army, and got down to 160. Since leaving the service though, haven't done any excercise or eaten healthy in years, and it's time to change that.

From a tiny town in Texas originally, traveled all over the US, and lived the last 6 years in Las Vegas. Back in Texas now, living in Coppell the last couple of months, and I don't know anyone. I want to get into lifting, but I also need a partner for that... so if anyone in my area is looking for someone to spot them at the gym, let me know. I'll join up if it's close to me. I just feel too weird going up to a random stranger and asking them to spot me at the gym, so I'd prefer to just find someone that's looking for the same.

I tend to ramble obviously, but am looking for friends in the area so drop me a line or add me if you're looking for the same.

Thanks all, and good luck with your endeavors also.


  • ndmain1977
    ndmain1977 Posts: 69 Member
    Just a bump, haven't heard from anyone and was still curious about folks in my are.
  • Nutrition1st
    Nutrition1st Posts: 216 Member
    You gotta find your motivation source. People like myself love to offer motivation and advise, but your primary motivation has to come from within. Mine was health related. I didn't want to spend my life in a hospital or taking pills and shots.
  • Stefanie7125
    Stefanie7125 Posts: 462 Member
    if you go to the community tab, find members, you can put in your zip code and other criteria to find people in your area. Hope that helps!
  • ndmain1977
    ndmain1977 Posts: 69 Member
    Ahhh... sorry guys, didn't realize anyone had responded in here. Thanks for the tips.