New Beginnings

mecaseyrn Posts: 76 Member
Hello all! My name is Michelle (mecaseyrn). I am currently a Nurse Practitioner on an internal medicine department/ orthopedic unit. I am super busy all the time as I have been for the past 4 years. This is my first year out of school since kindergarten.
That being said I am here on MFP looking for support. I do not want to be fat anymore. I loved myself when I was 130-145 way back in high school. I just disgust myself now.

I am 5ft4in......current weight 190 but it fluctuates 2lbs or so.
I drink approximately 6-8ounce bottles of water (carry a britta bottle)
I gave up most white products/starches/sugary things
People tell me that it looks like i am losing, but scale says other wise
I want to be healthy, whether its thin or medium sized!

So if anyone has any words of wisdom, help, recipes that are high protein, low carb, exercise regimens, info on FITBIT anything to help me. I would be appreciative!

<3 Michelle


  • Generalle
    Generalle Posts: 201 Member
    only advice I can offer is to KEEP GOING.
    I was pretty much exactly the same weight as you 8 months ago and the trick is just to stick with it. You've lost 8lbs already, which you should be proud of yourself for. Up the exercise if you need to for a week or 2 just to give yourself a motivation boost, but try not to judge weightloss based just on the number on the scale.
    You can do this!!!
  • Puppygirl29
    Hi, Michelle

    First, you have to remember the you are doing this for YOU because YOU are important!
    I am around the same height/weight as you so I know what you mean.
    You need to make a plan of attack - figure out when you will squeeze exercise into your
    week. Plan your meals - if you go on Hungry Girl they offer great tips for recipes and more.
    Please feel free to add me as a friend. I am new also. I also see a nutritionist who
    has helped me a lot with meal planning. Everyone's life is different and so are everyone's
    All the best and Good Luck!