
Have any of you had great results doing pilates on a regualr basis? Also, do you have any suggestions for at-home DVD's?


  • lunchlady1208
    I love them, personally....Granted I am just getting back into doing them after 6 years, lol, but they do work. I really like any of the 10 Minute Solution DVD's....fairly cheap on Amazon or at WalMart
  • RicochetRabbit
    I really like Pilates. It really works your core where I can tell a difference day by day when I really stick to it. I have owned Pilates for dummies. I've been doing that DVD for years off and on. I had a new one delivered today that I will try in the morning. Classic Pilates Technique, Complete Universal Reformer Series. I have been doing 30 Day Shred for two months. I'm on level 3, feeling pretty good. I am doing the Pilates for cool down afterward for 20 minutes. I felt like I needed to move on from the dummies tape. I will let you know how I like this new DVD. There were two exercies on the dummy tape I couldn't do. I would do a different exercise while those were on.

    I have a Yoga DVD too. I didn't really like Yoga.
  • RicochetRabbit
    :sick: Well, I just put in my new Pilates DVD....."the Reformer" series.

    I didn't know a Reformer was a machine. Now I have the DVD and no machine. Looked it up.........looks good. Bet I would love it. Picked one out $899.00.

    Damn.....should have bought the mat workout.
  • RicochetRabbit
    LOL.........just thought......Pilates for Dummies was the right DVD for me afterall. :blushing:
  • Titanuim
    Titanuim Posts: 337 Member
    I can't comment on DVD's but I have recently taken up Pilates classes and have been going twice a week as a complement to the 30 Day Shred dvds. I really have been getting a lot out of Pilates. My flexibility has come so far as well as improvements to my posture and core strength. After each class I walk away feeling all bendy and relaxed. It might appear to just be stretching but it can be quite challenging.
  • justjenn1977
    justjenn1977 Posts: 437 Member
    I think the operative part of your question was "on a regular basis"

    any movement on a regular basis will produce results :)

    other than that I don't know anything about pilates :))
  • mluxo91
    mluxo91 Posts: 65 Member
    If you happen to have Netflix, you can search exercise videos to stream from a computer or instantly on your TV. I've found 'Crunch: Pick Your Spot Pilates' to be a great workout for me, especially the ab section. The Crunch series has a number of workout videos!
  • missemily1124
    If you happen to have Netflix, you can search exercise videos to stream from a computer or instantly on your TV. I've found 'Crunch: Pick Your Spot Pilates' to be a great workout for me, especially the ab section. The Crunch series has a number of workout videos!

    Do you have Canadian or American netflix?
  • lunchlady1208
    The 10 Minute Solution DVD's are also available on American Netflix
  • mluxo91
    mluxo91 Posts: 65 Member
    I have American. I'm not sure what Canadian has - I'd assume a lot of the same stuff.