Hey, Hi, Hello

Hello there. I'm trying to lose 15ish pounds and tone up. My body after two children feels foreign to me. I'm so ready to feel comfortable with myself again. I hope to meet supportive people that are willing to help me along in this journey. I look forward to it.


  • MissMay87
    MissMay87 Posts: 76
    Hey, feel free to add me if you'd like. I'm working on losing around 10 lbs and gaining some muscle, too. Good luck!!
  • engodwin
    engodwin Posts: 516 Member
    You can add me too!

    I'm not losing weight, but I'm trying to build muscle and get fit and tone and healthy. :) Good luck on your journey!
  • blackmagic10
    blackmagic10 Posts: 335 Member
    yup were all just looking to be healthy so add me too lol
  • T_Marie4
    T_Marie4 Posts: 104 Member
    Hi and welcome! Add me if you like, I'm working on losing another 15ish pounds myself! I totally understand where you are coming from - I have 4 kids, busy times and lots of excuses later, my body is NOT what it used to be, but since starting MFP (and JM workouts), I'm getting much closer to where I want to be! Change is good and you feel totally awesome when you see the results of all your hard work! Good luck!
  • baroquetrained
    baroquetrained Posts: 4 Member
    Hi! I am wanting to lose around 30 lbs of fat. I'm unusual in that I already work out twice a day every day, & consequently have a ton of muscle. My problem has always been my high fat & high sugar food choices. Hopefully we can support each other through our mutual journey to health & fitness. Welcome!
  • wyo_cindy
    wyo_cindy Posts: 5
    Welcome and hello my name is Cindy and I'm a 37 year old mother of 3 kids and a full time college student. If you would be interested in being friends add me.