Carboholic and Carb Addiction . Please help

Im going on 215 days of MFP and I lost about 50 or so lbs in about 6 months. I kept my carbs low and dropped weight fast..I hit 215 on my lowest point of weight and now im about 222.. A few weeks ago its like my apeptite came back and not that Im eating bad, but I feel my addiction to carbs taking me over. Its not the carbs that I have a problem with it..its the quantity. I cannto eat one slice of pizza so I just dont eat pizza. But my apeptite has certainly increased in the last two weeks and I am having a tough time keeping my calories in check. One cheat day I think i assumed 4000 calories. yes it was a cheat and when i cheat i sometimes cheat bad. I need to get myself back into a ketonic state as the ketosis keeps my apeptite in check. Can anyone offer some help. I dont want to lose ground when I have gone so far :(


  • leslisa
    leslisa Posts: 1,350 Member
    Wow!! I wish I could offer some advice, but I can't. I lose weight by eating low cal subs for what I want.

    That being said, when my kid was body building, everything was wheat. Pizza was thin crust made with wheat or have you tried almond flour. I'd mix 1/2 wheat flour and 1/2 almond flour. Even my younger son liked it.

    Actually almond flour can be made into quite a few things to lower carbs. Check this out:

    Good luck!! You can do this. You deserve to be healthy!