After C25K

I'm currently in week 8 of the 9 week couch to 5k program. Since I'm so close to finishing I was just thinking what to do after. Is there a 10k program? What did everyone else who finished this program do? Did you do it again just try to go faster? Just continue to run 3 days a week at 30 minutes each day? Just add a little more time to your runs on your own or maybe try to train with a 10k program? I'm just curious to know what everyone did after completing this wonderful c25k program.


  • joannaengel
    There are training programs not only for all different distances, but for all different levels of running (beginner, intermediate, advanced). Start signing up for races and get on it! I like these programs because they're more variable than just running 30 minutes 3 days of the week.
  • AmyRhubarb
    AmyRhubarb Posts: 6,890 Member
    I finished the program in late March, and continued running 3 days a week, varying my distance and trying to up my distance and speed. Went too far too soon and ended up with some knee pain when I ran 5 miles, so backed off and kept it round 5k distance. Ran my first race on Memorial Day weekend and had fun and a new personal best time. :smile:

    Kept running but found myself looking for some more structure, so looked for a 10k app. I found one made by the same maker of my 5k app (c25kFREE by Zen Labs) which picked up right where the 5k app left off, and I started it last week. So far so good! I like the discipline of having the weekly "assignments", and am hoping that getting myself to 10k distance will help with my 5k times for races, as well as get me ready for a race beyond a 5k.
  • thefreebiemom
    thefreebiemom Posts: 191 Member
    From what I understand there is a Bridge210K program that is to be done after the C25K if wanted.