Blood Pressure meds forever?



  • texastango
    texastango Posts: 309
    I am working on losing 10-15lbs so perhaps that will lower it a bit, but are these medications something I'll just always have to take if it doesn't go down on it's own? I'm hoping some weight loss and my new vegan diet will help, but I also don't like the idea of being on medication for it forever, though I do know the dangers I risk of stopping it

    First off I have a video for you to watch. It's medical, a bit complicated...but the points made about diet and hypertension are not. Bottom line - A significant number of children in one study, and adults in another, were able to eliminate their meds for hypertension just by a change in diet - without weight loss.

    In other studies...loosing weight also resulted in lowering of blood pressure.

    So, in many's clear that with a change in diet and weight loss that blood pressure medication can be a thing of the past.

    Having said that...there are a number of causes of hypertension. DO NOT, I repeat, DO NOT stop your medication without your doctor's approval. First off some meds have a rebound effect. That is you stop them abruptly and your blood pressure goes even higher than it would off the meds. People DIE because of bleeding in the brain (even healthy people) because of this. SO DO NOT STOP YOUR MEDS without help. Beta blockers are particularly known to do this (ie. Atenolol).

    Your hypertension may be genetic or due to other issues.

    However, eating healthy and losing a little weight (BMI 26 is pretty good) may help. Resistance train and turn inactive fat into muscle as well. Again, if you are interested in the video link on YouTube (lecture from UCLA) than hit me up with a PM. The lecture goes into exercise - resistance and aerobic - and diet and how it plays into health. Great stuff but long (48 min).



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