MFP addicted

mshidden Posts: 24 Member
Why Does MFP work? Are you addicted to MFP? I personally lost my habit of MFP, I missed a day and so I broke my 150 days in a row. That was a big blow to me emotionally stupid right. Stupid perhaps, but little things make a differences. And they might make a big differences as they did in my case, because I could see the spiral start, so I stop logging in altogether,and I started eating carelessly again, and there were all my old habits happy to see me back.

and I started putting back on the weight, and stop exercising etc... Wow.

So I am back trying to get addicted again...


  • ashshields12
    ashshields12 Posts: 54 Member
    You can do it!!
  • SuperVegan8
    SuperVegan8 Posts: 78 Member
    You've acknowledged that MFP was helping and you're back. Thats all you need to do. No point beating yourself up over what WAS. Focus on the now and what you can do in the future :)

    All the best - you can do it!
  • WaimanaloMan
    WaimanaloMan Posts: 165 Member
    You can do it, just carry on carrying on and you'll have no problem!
  • socalmo
    socalmo Posts: 12 Member
    One way of getting back into the habit is at the beginning of the day, log everything that you are going to eat that day. It accomplishes 2 goals: 1) You have logged for the day and 2) it gives you a check throughout the day of, "It's not on my log, so I should not be eating that."
  • centralvicgirl
    centralvicgirl Posts: 21 Member
    One way of getting back into the habit is at the beginning of the day, log everything that you are going to eat that day. It accomplishes 2 goals: 1) You have logged for the day and 2) it gives you a check throughout the day of, "It's not on my log, so I should not be eating that."

    Agreed, doing this has been very helpful for me.