Fitness with your dog?



  • dylsmom99
    dylsmom99 Posts: 32 Member
    my Joe is one of my most amazing workout buddies.,,, he knows when i put my sneakers on that we are going to the lake,,,, he is a st bernanrd boxer mix who just loves the outdoors!!!!. he actually gets mad at me if i go to the gym without him..... i have him trained to run 2 steps behind me on my right side and i have him trained to run ahead of me on command,,, i used a little treat to get him trained to stay where i can see him and he can't trip me,,, he was very easy to train so i got lucky,,, he loves chasing the geese in the lake and on the third lap of the run around the lake i let him go chase them into the lake and he gets to cool off,,,, i could not run like i do without him,,, i feel so safe with him ,,, although i know he doesn't even know how to bite someone i know he keeps an eye out for me and will definitely ward off any crazies who try something on his momma!.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, plenty of hydration is key for you and pooch,,,,,, some lady yelled at me last week cause i was giving him a drink from my water bottle and then drinking it myself,,.. she said i was gross.... i said he is my son what is gross about that!!!!!!
  • cmeade20
    cmeade20 Posts: 1,238 Member
    I wish my dog would run with me! But he's a fat grumpy old man who wants to pee on stuff as quick as possible then get back to his chair.
  • coliema
    coliema Posts: 7,646 Member
    I have a Beagle, and he is definitely being a part of my fitness plan :smile: I'm not making him, he LOVES it! I run around with him in the yard, and I take him on a walk every night. It's good for both of us.

    I'd give the run a try, and if it doesn't work out, just stick with walking or what you're doing! :smile:
  • Sixel
    Sixel Posts: 57 Member
    I would just like to add from experience that a dog pulling his leash and/or running in different directions can be destabilising and cause injuries to the human.
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    I have 2 greyhounds and they are useless for fitness.

    They can't join me on a jog. It is a constant pulling at their harness to move. It is either sleep, walk or sprint 40 seconds at 45 miles/hr (70km/hr).

    :laugh: they'd be awesome if you wanted to run 200 yards as fast as possible after a rabbit.....oh and then stop!!

    They are such cool dogs:love:

    I have an Aussie and a Black Lab. Now you guys are making me want to run with the black lab.

    We shoud keep this thread going and make it a Team.

    Team Dog Run! :glasses:
  • littlebuddy84
    littlebuddy84 Posts: 1,000 Member
    I have a 4 year old miniature Jack Russell who runs/walks with me everywhere :-)
  • katejenkins1
    katejenkins1 Posts: 210 Member
    I used to take my Cocker/Cairn mix on 3 mile walks a night, but it's been so hot and humid, I had to reduce and now she's been sick and we've stoped the walks all together. She's 13 and I don't want to push.
    We did just adopt a 3 year old lhasa/Pom/terrier mix he gets tired quickly so I doubt we'll be able to do the 3 miles.

    If your having lease problems with pulling may I suggest the gentle leader? My 13yr old (dog) had a terrible time pulling when she was younger. This made it stop. MD BLU/?srccode=GPPETSUP
  • kbmnurse
    kbmnurse Posts: 2,484 Member
    Great let him pull you. It will make you run faster the pounds will fall off. Start out walk/run.
  • shmunster
    shmunster Posts: 538 Member
    I cant run, but when I walk I try to always take the dogs, and I just trained and entered them in a 20km endurance trial for dogs (I rode my bike and they ran), which was heaps of fun, great for my fitness and awesome for theirs. They both compete in dog sports too so they need to be fit!
  • smiley245
    smiley245 Posts: 420 Member
    I think a pincher collar might be a bit much for a terrier/chihuahua mix? I have seen them on bigger dogs, although I am not a fan personally, I think in the right hands with the proper teaching they can be ok.
    We have a boston/beagle mix and he would pull like crazy. walks/jogs were becoming quite unpleasant for the both of us.
    So we seeked advice from our trainer. She recomended the easy walk harness. The leash ties in the front of his chest and decreases the urge to pull.
    It was like night and day :) Honestly the best thing I ever purchased for him.
    They make them in small and extra small and they are adjustable.
    (edited to insert link of a cutesy dog wearing the harness :) )
  • Buddhasmiracle
    Buddhasmiracle Posts: 925 Member
    I'm a vet, so I'm gonna come in on the dog side of things. Whether or not you run is totally up to you. Running with your dog can be great, but they need to be trained just like a human. Whoever suggested starting out at 3-milers got lucky that they didn't end up with injuries to their dogs' feet - I've seen plenty from folks who have been runners & adopt a dog and just start taking them out. Start with short distances (1/4 to 1/2 mi) and slowly work up. Their foot pads need to toughen, their joints need to develop more lubrication, their muscles need to strengthen, and their heart & lungs need to expand capacity. Just like you. Also keep in mind that not every dog is a runner. Some don't enjoy it, some have ailments (such as heart murmurs or bone diseases) that make it not a good idea, and some are just too tiny to keep up. A terrier chihuahua cross is probably taking at least 5-10 steps for every one of yours. They may cover the same distance, but they're working a heck of a lot harder.

    As for the pulling, please don't use a pinch collar. They can actually damage the underlying tissue, and there are a few important things that run through the neck like the windpipe and the jugular veins. Try the running leashes recommended or a Gentle Leader. That one takes more training for the dog, but is well worth it in the end.

    Oh, and KEEP YOUR DOG ON A LEASH. I know some folks live in rural areas where they don't encounter many vehicles or other people or animals, but it only takes one time. I've euthanized plenty of dogs the first time they were hit by a car, and have stitched up many a dog after their first fight (even euthanized a couple of those).

    Also, if your dog is pulling on its leash either get some self help training or a couple of sessions with a dog trainer. Many breeds are quite willful -- bully and terrier breeds in particular -- it is part of their "charm.' I don't run with my pitbull but I do walk briskly. Bonnie walks briskly AT MY SIDE where she belongs on a leash and gentle leader. If a pooch is pulling on its lead, it is stressed; and it's not enjoyable for either of you.
  • gombolyu
    gombolyu Posts: 136 Member
    I walk with she about 5 times a week:)


    We have a garden, and she loves our cats too (and viceversa), so she moves a lot. After my workout we go for a walk for about 30 minutes. We walk quite fast, and sometimes even play and run a little than walk again.
    She is the best motivation for me to go walking.:)
  • littlebuddy84
    littlebuddy84 Posts: 1,000 Member
    I walk with she about 5 times a week:)


    We have a garden, and she loves our cats too (and viceversa), so she moves a lot. After my workout we go for a walk for about 30 minutes. We walk quite fast, and sometimes even play and run a little than walk again.
    She is the best motivation for me to go walking.:)
    She's georgous :-)
  • gombolyu
    gombolyu Posts: 136 Member
    She's georgous :-)

    Thank you.:) I've never wanted a dog. We found her on the street, and got home to protect until we will find her owner, but we could't find anybody. She has a very good nature, and I love her so much, that I said yes at the end, to keep her.:)
  • bzgl40
    bzgl40 Posts: 69 Member
    I walk with she about 5 times a week:)


    We have a garden, and she loves our cats too (and viceversa), so she moves a lot. After my workout we go for a walk for about 30 minutes. We walk quite fast, and sometimes even play and run a little than walk again.
    She is the best motivation for me to go walking.:)

    She must be hard to walk given that she is upside down. lol

    I have two dogs that do not get along and one is a pretty big idiot around other dogs. Big dogs with lots of energy so I run both....individually. I get lots of running in. I run one dog, come back home, then run the other. I dream of the day I can run them together. With enough training they'll get there
  • jabcrosshook
    During the off-months, I'll take my dog (a mini-beagle) with me to the beach and jog around in the sand. But during tourist season, we mostly go to a dog park near where I live. It's a pretty big fenced-in area, which is great because I can walk laps around the inside of the perimeter and my little wingman will faithfully follow right behind me.

    He's two and a half years old now, but here are two baby pics of him when he was still just three months old:


  • xNJAx
    xNJAx Posts: 170 Member
    I have my Bichon Frise (just turned 6 today) Barnaby Biggins as my running partner. He's brilliant! He'll happily run alongside me without pulling or tripping me over - he gets into 'the zone' as much as I do while running. He seems to know when I'm doing it for exercise as opposed to playing chase (which we also do a lot).

    For those who aren't as lucky as me in the pulling department, can I suggest looking into a "Gentle Leader" or something similar? They'd be much better and much safer than pincher or choke collars but still work a treat.

    Also, I'd suggest starting off with small distances and building up gradually - fit and spritely as they are, a dog needs to adjust to running just the same way we do. I know I could never have run straight for an hour or even half an hour the first time I went running. :)

    Finally, I'd encourage everyone to look out for "skipping" when running with a dog! (The best way I can think to describe it is lifting one leg for a beat instead of putting it on the ground). Barnaby does that and it turns out he has luxating patella in his back legs, which basically means his knees dislocate occasionally and then pop straight back in on their own. Apparently it can be fixed with an operation down the line if he needs it, but it can be serious and have worse consequences than it's ever had for Barnaby. Until I took him to the Vet for something completely unrelated and happened to mention it I thought it was just a funny little quirk he had!
  • klwells08
    klwells08 Posts: 158 Member
    I run with my great dane, we are doing the couch to 5k together. If you have a problem with your dog pulling, I would suggest training classes before starting to run together. Merlin use to pull until we did obedience classes. Now, when he gets distracted we use the "Leave It" command or "Let's Go." Both are effective depending on the circumstances.

    The other thing to watch out for is heat. Merlin is a harliquen dane and his black spots heat up quickly. Running in anything over 75 degrees is a no go for him. He gets dehydrated and too hot.
  • coliema
    coliema Posts: 7,646 Member
    During the off-months, I'll take my dog (a mini-beagle) with me to the beach and jog around in the sand. But during tourist season, we mostly go to a dog park near where I live. It's a pretty big fenced-in area, which is great because I can walk laps around the inside of the perimeter and my little wingman will faithfully follow right behind me.

    He's two and a half years old now, but here are two baby pics of him when he was still just three months old:



    Aww, I have a thing for Beagles :wink: How cute!
  • MrsWilsoncroft
    MrsWilsoncroft Posts: 969 Member
    I'd absolutely love a doggie of my own but my Hubby won't let us have one lol!
    However you see the cute doggie in my profile pic that is Chico my Auntie's little boy.

    I am hoping to get him at the weekend for some walking fun :)
