Okay so this post is somewhat a confession. For all of last week (what we call SWOTVAC in my uni - it's free week given for study before exams) and all of this week, I have been eating absolutely horribly. Grossly. Nonstop. To uncomfortably full. Before last week, I had been going great adjusting to my new way of life... almost no sugar, way more veggies and low sodium foods. However, it's like I can't cope with healthy eating and intense study! Ironically, this is probably the time my body needs nutrients and a low sugar diet the most. I feel like crap... up and down energy levels and go to bed exhausted. Anyway, this post is here to hold me to what i'm about to say... tomorrow - no, not after exams - but TOMORROW I will get back on the wagon! I will eat clean. I will try hard to even fit some gym in between now and end of exams (next Saturday). I will avoid sugar.. it's my trigger. I will eat more vegetables. I'll go back to 8 glasses of water a day. No binges. No emotional eating. Exams aren't excuses. Studying more so I feel prepared will be more soothing than those 3 cookies I just inhaled.

I'm hoping this won't be too hard... I feel I've already fallen so deep back into my old habits in only 9 days! Most importantly, I will not avoid logging food.... every bite will be going up, if I'm embarrassed to log it, that's a sign I shouldn't have eaten it in the first place. /end


  • leslisa
    leslisa Posts: 1,350 Member
    You go girl!!! You can do this :drinker: