Hello well-endowed females



  • Daisygirl1024
    OMG...I THOUGHT I was well endowed at 40DDD...I used to be a 44DD and as I lost weight, I was shocked to realize that as the band size goes down, the cup size goes up!?!?! I thought the lady sizing me was crazy...I expected to go down into a "D" cup and told her I hated having "4 boobs" whenever I tried on underwire bras...that's when she told me it was because I was buying the wrong size bras...

    Anyways, back to my original point...I thought was well-endowed until I read some of these other posts using letters that even I didn't know bras came in...like M's!?!?!? Holy moly! I would not want to try and find bras for that size--must be extremely expensive! I love the bras I buy in DDD at Fashion Bug!!! :)

    And just for the record.......I want/need to lose lots more weight, but I would prefer NOT to lose in the bust...I'm kinda attached to them....lol...besides, I'm already over 40 and they are going to start shrinking on their own soon enough!!! LOL....
  • spikefoot
    spikefoot Posts: 419
    Hello!.... oh wait you said females. ;)
  • Dawn3218
    Dawn3218 Posts: 80
    I have no idea why I`m reading this, since I`m only a 32 A...but I wish that they were bigger...so much!

    Anyone wanna switch? :P

    I'd happily share some of mine with you - we'd be 'bussom buddies' LOL
  • PJ64
    PJ64 Posts: 866 Member
    I have no idea why I`m reading this, since I`m only a 32 A...but I wish that they were bigger...so much!

    Anyone wanna switch? :P

    I'd happily share some of mine with you - we'd be 'bussom buddies' LOL

    Bussom Buddies :tongue:
  • histwinkletoes
    histwinkletoes Posts: 100 Member
    I'm hoping mine will go down. I was a 38C when I met my husband at 21. Now I'm 29, 50 pounds heavier than what I was then and I'm a 40DD. I would love to be back in a C cup again!
  • primrosehill
    primrosehill Posts: 84 Member
    Oh ladies! What a fantastically supportive group you are! And guys, thanks for the...erm...*support* in the ever-so-slightly hands-on sense!

    For UK bosom buddies I'd recommend either Pepperberry for big busted clothing and Bravissimo for underwear/swimwear/sports bras.

    And to the rather cute guy who said this thread lacked pics, 1) I think we'd be kicked off MFP for lewd behaviour, and 2) I haven't worked out how to load widescreen/panoramic photos :laugh: