Need motivation!

Hi everyone!

I feel like I'm at an AA meeting trying to think of how to introduce myself.... hi, I'm Josie and I'm an overeater!

I'm definately a yo-yoer as I'm sure many of you can relate to! My weight is constantly up and down. I've always been a little bit chunky (or "very curvy" as I like to put it!!) but it's not been until recently that I've decided to really do something about it as it's been getting me down more than ever. I have lost all confidence and feel embarrassed of myself. I'm quite a sensitive person anyway and things can really get to me, my weight being one of those things.

I'm making healthier choices but not counting calories, points... etc as I don't beleive in that. I like to call it the "common sense diet" as that's what it is. I just eat stuff that I know is good for me. I'm going to Zumba class once a week, the gym once or twice a week and as of next week I'm starting boxercise.

Enough babbling... I'm on MyFitnessPal for motivation and to keep a track of my progress. I'm wishing myself luck and also wishing everyone else on here good luck. I already lost half a stone before I came on here (I've not lost any over the last couple of weeks though) so hopefully I can keep the good work up :)

Nice to meet you all!

Josie x

P.S. In case you were wondering - I'm planning on losing 2 stone. I have set myself an easy target of 1lb per week with no particular deadline. That way I'm not having to work out like a maniac or deprive myself to reach my goal.


  • MtnKat
    MtnKat Posts: 714
    Hi Josie!

    Did you try logging your food for one day just to see how much you were/are eating? I know you don't believe in calorie counting, but it might help you understand what kinds of food are good. You might be surprised at the number of calories that you think are good....I know I was lol. I was also surprised at my portions sizes too. Sometimes I'd think that it was a single portion, but after logging it, realized that I ate 3 portions instead.

    Good luck on your diet and I wish you well. It's good that you are making healthier choices and going to the gym.
  • stuartadair1
    stuartadair1 Posts: 46 Member
    Hi Josie
    If you go down this path then you better be ready to bare-you-soul.
    Dont log in and a message will pop up on your profile and your friends will want to know whats going on. If your not under your calorie goal for the day you'll feel bad.
    There's no safety in numbers here.
    I'd be glad to be your friend and support you in any way I can, in the same way that you'll support me.

    Stu :bigsmile: