Wow seriously? My eating out = AHHH!

hungrybear Posts: 45
edited September 20 in Food and Nutrition
I went to Mimi's Cafe for lunch with some friends and trying to watch my calories, I looked at the nutrition value on what I should order ahead of time. I ordered a Mimi's Chopped Cobb salad which is around 350 calories, which seems legit for lunch. I told the waiter no bacon and green onions since I don't like them. I also asked for the nonfat balsamic dressing..and I added very, very little since the stuff in the cobb already added taste to the salad. I also took out the egg yolk because I don't like it. My friend decided to order an appetitizer, and he chose Spinach and Artichoke Dip. I told myself not touch it, but when the plate arrived (before my order did)...oh the hunger kicked in! I ate about 1/3 of it since there were 3 people. Oh yeah, the cobb salad also came with a muffin and I told the waiter I want the low fat blueberry muffin since it sounds like the healthiest one in the list. I shared it with my friends so I won't ate it all...I ended up eating 1/2 of it instead of whole. Oh yes, I must add that the salad was huge...I felt like they chopped out the whole iceburg lettuce for it.

I came home and started logging in. To my suprise! My calories for this lunch came up to 1087 calories...well the calories for the salad probably include bacon and green onion, but it's better to over estimate than to underestimate. Anyhow, what in the world??...imagine if I ate bacon, ate the egg yolk, use all the dressing and ate all of the muffin. I am kind of happy that at least I check ahead of time for the entree, but still sad that I ate so much calories just for lunch itself. I went to the gym for an hour but didn't even burn half of it.

So hard to eat out with friends now a days. I fell off track for 2 weeks, and now I am starting to get back on track, but I guess not today. *sigh* All my fault...need better self control.


  • pniana
    pniana Posts: 254 Member
    I went out last night and today and have completely blown it! Eating out is tough. Back on track tomorrow!
  • guidosgal
    guidosgal Posts: 581 Member
    I LOVE MiMis when I started here we went out to eat there I looked over the nutrition menu and based my Lunch on that I learned how much each slice of there carrot bread has in it.(I am glad I looked because before I because awhere of what I was putting in my mouth O could have snarfed 5 slices with butter and not give it a second thought. :grumble: We went out last weekend to the outback and I ordered what I tought was good (turns out not so much) did not go over my Calories but the amount of sodium ( good Gad) I should have just ordered a salt lick :bigsmile:
  • VballLeash
    VballLeash Posts: 2,456 Member
    OMG I love mimi's bran muffin, loaded with calories though and their butter is good too.. I haven't been there in forever, thanks a lot now I want it haha jk... don't worry get back on track tomorrow!

    ~Leash :heart:
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