New to Calorie Counting

Hello All,

I wanted to introduce myself and ask for some advise. I am a mother and work full time. I try to get to the gym for boot camps twice a week and walk/run twice a week since February. I've noticed that my clothes fit better, but I think my upper body looks big. I'm looking for advise for 1- my c-section belly that pokes out, 2 - decreasing bust size, and 3- Thick but not flabby arms. My Pre-pregnancy weight was 155, I put on 80 lbs during my pregnancy in 2009 and weighed myself about 2 months ago and I was 185. SO DEPRESSING...... I think calorie counting might be the right direction, we will see. My fears are that I will lose weight in all of the wrong places and my belly will still sag and protrude.


  • amy0975
    amy0975 Posts: 22 Member
    I am in the same boat as you. I am trying to lose at least 90 pounds. I have all of the same issues as you. The baby belly is killing me. I have a round apple shape. I have been counting calories for a few days now. I lost a lot of weight years ago by counting calories. I have tried all of the fad diets (Atkins, South Beach, Weight Watchers, etc). They were all short lived and I eventually gained more weight back. I am only eating 1350 calories a day now, no soda, no juice and 1 cup of coffee a day. I have lost 6 lbs in 5 days. Granted most of that is probably water weight, but hey it's 6 lbs gone.

    My plan is to lose as much weight as I can and exercise when I can (which is hardly ever). Hopefully, with some exercise I will be able to tone and not get or stay flabby.