Abs are made in the kitchen...



  • wsuduce
    wsuduce Posts: 68 Member
    looks like from your pictures your making good progress. It is a slow process but I see improvement, I would not mess with what your are doing. Keep it up. Looks great.
  • andreamelo1
    andreamelo1 Posts: 161 Member
    waaay too much fat per day "ABS ARE BUILT IN THE KITCHEN" lower you fat intake hike up your cal & carbs & youll reach your goal quicker
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,294 Member
    waaay too much fat per day "ABS ARE BUILT IN THE KITCHEN" lower you fat intake hike up your cal & carbs & youll reach your goal quicker

    Stop spreading misinformation please. Even if her diet was 60% fat that would not matter for much as long as she is getting adequate protein and is still in a deficit
  • Sharmender
    Sharmender Posts: 133 Member
    I have the same problem, starting to think I'm just skinny fat...

    Lift heavy weights and give it time.

    Don't have money for the gym :( I'm doing 30ds for the second time now though which involves body weight moves.. Is that okay too?

    Definitely better than no strength training, but results in body composition will not be as dramatic as would be with heavy weight lifting (4-8 rep range sets)

    Thanks :)
  • neverstray
    neverstray Posts: 3,845 Member
    Hi All!!

    So. I am desperate for a flat stomach. I work out every day (almost) lifting heavy weights for 45-50mins and 12-15mins of interval running at the end of the workout. My day looks like this (roughly)

    5min warm up run
    3 x 10 leg raises
    3 x 10 squats on smith machine (10kg either end of bar)
    3 x 10 leg raises
    3 x 10 shoulder press (6kg each hand)
    3 x 10 leg raises
    3 x 10 seated bicep curls (10kg either hand - and I will move onto standing bicep curls when Im more used to the weight)
    3 x 10 leg raises
    3 x 10 lateral pull downs (30kg)
    3 x 10 russian twists with 6kg ball
    3 x 10 tricep dips
    3 x 10 leg raises

    and maybe a few more if I can fit them in! I have been doing this for a lonnnnggg time. Months.

    They say abs are made in the kitchen. Can someone look at my diary and tell me where I am going wrong?? I obviously have my 'off' weekends when I drink or eat more whatever. But its not every weekend.

    I look forward to your answers!

    You are missing the most important part. This quote refers to SEX in the kitchen. How come I'm the only one that "gets" that?
  • amnski
    amnski Posts: 251 Member
    Looks like you are coming in quite a bit under your calorie goal each day. The goal is something you should try to reach, not stay under.

    When it comes to your routine, I would suggest lowering or eliminating all off the isolation core exercises (Leg lifts), and you should not work the same muscle group on back to back days, take a day off in between.

    I would suggest you look into Starting strength, Stronlifts 5x5, or New Rules of Lifting for women to get a better program. These programs all use compound lifts that target the whole body and eliminate the unnecessary isolation lifts and ab work.

    Yep...took me eating more (and less junk) and changing up my strength routine that made the difference for me.
  • JustJennie1
    JustJennie1 Posts: 3,749 Member
    Actually abs are made in the gym, refined in the kitchen.

    I disagree that core work is "a waste of time". Yes, you're engaging your core when you lift weights but isolation exercises help strengthen and support the back and it does build muscle. I have a friend who is a serious athlete (tri's, marathon runner, iron man) and even he does isolation work for his abs.
  • Glucocorticoid
    Glucocorticoid Posts: 867 Member
    Actually abs are made in the gym, refined in the kitchen.

    I disagree that core work is "a waste of time". Yes, you're engaging your core when you lift weights but isolation exercises help strengthen and support the back and it does build muscle. I have a friend who is a serious athlete (tri's, marathon runner, iron man) and even he does isolation work for his abs.
    Exactly. Direct ab work is not a waste of time. The "engaging the core" exercises that work the abs isometrically will not optimally hit the abs, in terms of hypertrophy.
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    I always get flamed whenever I link anything from charles poliquin, but here's a link from him on the basics of how to do it:

    He seems to know what he's talking about in regard to exercise and fitness.
    I thought what he said made a lot of sense, thanks!
  • benich3043
    benich3043 Posts: 252 Member
    Run more. I am not stating this as fact, so please don't everyone jump down my throat, but from what I have seen increasing how often and how long you run helps to burn off that last lil bit of the pooch.
  • LaurnWhit
    LaurnWhit Posts: 261 Member
  • TiffaniBarrett
    TiffaniBarrett Posts: 369 Member
    Thanks guys! The majority of the information given is great! Thanks so much!

    I am so damn scared to upping my calories though!! Like proper terrified!!
  • johnpangan
    johnpangan Posts: 47 Member
    I will put my own 2 cents on this conversation. First of all, some people do have good genetics and able to get flatter stomach and get a 6 pack right away. But if you clean up your diet, keep the carbs low with adequate protein and fat, you will get a 6 pack. I can't tell how long it takes because people are different.

    As far exercises, you can do all the situps or core exercises but you will not get a 6 pack if your diet is bad. 70% is diet and 30% is weight training/cardio. You can not out train a bad diet.

    So, clean up your diet and be consistent with your workout. Also, be patient. It does not happen over night.
  • tmpayton
    tmpayton Posts: 148 Member
  • songbyrdsweet
    songbyrdsweet Posts: 5,691 Member
    Can you lift any heavier? Change up your workout? The more you do the same thing, the more efficient your body becomes, and the fewer adaptations it has to make. 3x10 is fairly heavy, but given that you're able to do ALL that almost every day...it's probably not *that* heavy. No offense. When I'm done with leg day, I need to go home and take a nap. There are no full-body days in my regimen currently.

    Woah, just saw that you're doing squats on the Smith Machine...I won't go into what a hideous travesty the creation of that machine is, but I will recommend you get into a real squat rack.
  • VMarkV
    VMarkV Posts: 522 Member
    After losing enough fat with a caloric deficit, it really comes down to preference in how you want your abs to look.
    If you want big, round bodybuilder like abs, then do direct ab work with weight in hypertrophy ranges (8-12reps/set)
    If you want flat/sleek "runner" like abs, then don't train your abs directly (I prefer this look simply for aesthetics). Indirect work involving squats, deadlifts, etc. is fine.
  • toysbigkid
    toysbigkid Posts: 545 Member
  • TiffaniBarrett
    TiffaniBarrett Posts: 369 Member
    Woah, just saw that you're doing squats on the Smith Machine...I won't go into what a hideous travesty the creation of that machine is, but I will recommend you get into a real squat rack.

    Hey! Thanks for this - but there isnt a squat rack in my gym :-(
  • pgp90xer
    pgp90xer Posts: 219 Member
    I will put my own 2 cents on this conversation. First of all, some people do have good genetics and able to get flatter stomach and get a 6 pack right away. But if you clean up your diet, keep the carbs low with adequate protein and fat, you will get a 6 pack. I can't tell how long it takes because people are different.

    As far exercises, you can do all the situps or core exercises but you will not get a 6 pack if your diet is bad. 70% is diet and 30% is weight training/cardio. You can not out train a bad diet.

    So, clean up your diet and be consistent with your workout. Also, be patient. It does not happen over night.

    I completely agree. I use to do all kinds of crazy and intense ab movements but not til I really watch my diet, made up of high protein and low fat and carbs did I start to see some good results.
  • songbyrdsweet
    songbyrdsweet Posts: 5,691 Member
    Woah, just saw that you're doing squats on the Smith Machine...I won't go into what a hideous travesty the creation of that machine is, but I will recommend you get into a real squat rack.

    Hey! Thanks for this - but there isnt a squat rack in my gym :-(

    NooOOOOOOOOOOOoooooo!!! :-O

    Okay, well....maybe try split squats with some heavy DBs on your shoulders. Split squats are seriously killer.