New to the forum, but not to dieting!

I thought I'd post a little note to say hi. As stated in the title, I'm not a newbie to dieting at all! I have tried WW (lost 25lbs), Slimming World (lost 9lbs), but sadly, gained all that back because they just weren't for me. A friend introduced me to the phone app for this site and after putting all my stats in and getting the info of how much etc, I am pleased to say I finally get it!

I've been doing this for just over a week now and I am absolutely stunned to say I have lost 4lbs so far (according to my scales). It's great to be part of something that works for me. It's the first time I have gone down the calorie counting route, so it took a little time, but I am thoroughly enjoying this experience. I had no idea that all the cleaning etc I have been doing is classed as exercise either!

To keep it short and sweet... I'm raising a cup of tea (with 1% milk) to all of us who are working hard to get to where we want to be!


  • verptwerp
    verptwerp Posts: 3,659 Member
    Welcome !

    Several years ago I changed my eating & exercising habits and lost 40+ lbs ..... and maintained that for several years, no problem ..... now I'm here to lose some more ...... it's my first time counting calories as well ...... and I have to admit, this has been very eye-opening !

    Best of luck to you on your journey !
  • LisAllum
    LisAllum Posts: 55
    Thanks verptwerp! It's opened my eyes to a LOT of things too. It's the first time I have had to account for fresh fruit and veg. They have always been free foods on WW and SW. Still, I haven't gone over my daily calories yet, so I must be doing something right lol. Good luck to you too and well done on the amazing weight loss so far! :)
  • rmil102
    rmil102 Posts: 11

    Like you I'm not new to dieting and before this tried WW where I did lose about 12lb but then actually started counting calories myself as I hit a plateuau for weeks at WW and actually started putting a lb on! ...I lost another 25lb counting calories- I used to use a little pad and pencil to record everything but love this app as it makes it so easy!!

    Good luck in your journey -how much are you looking to
  • LisAllum
    LisAllum Posts: 55
    Thank you! I'm looking to lose around 30lbs, but if it goes well I'm going to try and stretch it to 40lbs. Am loving this site and all the support from everyone! The app is a godsend lol! I tend to use the app for tracking and the site for the social and support side of things.