Sugars in my smoothie

msgunder Posts: 65 Member
I started drinking this protein smoothie almost every day. I like it because it really fills me up in the morning. The bad thing is it makes me go over in my sugars and protein with just one serving. I use Almond milk because I wanted to try it and the sugars were actually lower in this than the 1% my family uses. Here's a copy from my recipe page :

Ingredients Calories Carbs Fat Protein Sugar Fiber
All Natural Blue Diamond Almonds - Almond Breeze Almond Milk Original, 1 cup 60 8 3 1 7 1
Generic - Hershey's Cocoa Natural Unsweetened Powder, 1.5 T 15 5 1 0 0 3
Body Fortress - Super Advanced Whey Protein Vanilla, 1 scoop (37 g) 140 7 2 26 2 0
Banana - 8" - 9", 0.5 banana 57 16 0 1 9 2
General - Ice Cubes, 6 cubes (1 cup)

Total per serving: 272 36 6 28 18 6

My sugars for a day are 17 and i don't remembe what my protein is but I know after I eat my salad at lunch it only leaves me with 4.

Should I be worried about this?

I just noticed that my recipe doesn't post as nicely and orderly as I wanted from cutting and pasting. It's located in My Recipes if you're able to look in there. Thanks!


  • pixiechick8321
    pixiechick8321 Posts: 284 Member
    Fruit has a lot of sugar. When you look at your sugar level, subtract out fruit, veggies, and some milk and yogurt. And realize that 31-39g is a better value if you don't want to do that subtraction (and even that's a bit low, if your sugar is from all natural sources).

    And the protein values they give you are the same - low. Try to keep protein between 15%-25% of your daily calories - this should be closer to 40-60g of protein each day. You don't need a shake to meet this, eat meat, nuts, spinach, kale, etc instead.
  • msgunder
    msgunder Posts: 65 Member
    Thank you so much! That's the way I've been kind of thinking but I was just wanting to verify. I do the smoothies because I like the taste. At some point I'm going to try some with spinach in it for the protein.

    Thank you!