Am I normal???

I've been on MFP for just over a year. I haven't really commited to the excercise aspect until recently. I worked out 6 out of the last 7 days. Zumba 2 days, a cycle class one day, 2 days with a personal trainer and one day of just cardio machines. I thought it would be a shock to my body and I would lose a couple pounds right of the bat....but....I didn't even lose one pound. I have kept under my calories (eating back some of my exercise calories, but not all of them) and I drink at least 8 glasses of water a day. Does anyone else have this problem? When will I start seeing the weight loss?

Also I have a Polar FT7 HRM and I notice it always tends to say more calories burned than the workout equipment says. I see a bunch of posts on MFP where people are bashing the machines saying they overstate the calories. Is my HRM overstating also???


  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    When you start working out, your muscles will retain water (part of the natural healing process, think like when you twist your ankle and it swell, same idea but more spread out so it's not visible). In fact, you're lucky you stayed the same and didn't gain as many do! Keep up the good work, drink plenty of water and you should see results in another week or two as your body adjusts to the increase in activity.

    As far as the HRM vs cardio machine discrepancy goes - not all machines are made alike - most overestimate but it all depends on the programming, how much info they ask you to input, whether or not you use the heart rate sensors all the time, etc.
    Your HRM should be correct as long as you're using it correctly. Make sure the unit is set with your most current personal info (height, weight, age) and make sure you follow the use and care directions for the chest strap.
  • LesliePierceRN
    LesliePierceRN Posts: 860 Member
    The hrm is more accurate.. heart rate is a function of oxygen consumption, and calories burned can be derived as a function of oxygen consumption.. but here's the thing: weight loss not automatic or immediate. My suggestion is to keep on doing what's right for your health and let the pounds fall off (or not) as a side effect. You health is more important that a number on a scale. And as you work those muscles, they do things like retain water to mend microtears, and thereby grow, which causes your metabolism to burn higher, even at rest, which is what we all want. The scale might actually go up, but that doesn't mean you should back off the workouts. I went from 143 pounds to 153 pounds in just a few months by working out.. I am in the same size clothes, but now I'm lean (instead of skinny fat) and strong (instead of weak) and I can eat like 1000 more cals a day because my muscle is hungry and burns it up.
  • ewhitehurst1
    ewhitehurst1 Posts: 178
    Thanks for the advice!
  • Bunnehface
    Bunnehface Posts: 129 Member
    I stuck to a healthy diet and exercise plan for over six weeks before the scales moved, but when they did it was a nice drop (2-5lb) per week. Stick at it and don't get disheartened. Your body needs time to catch up, it might be a week or a month but if you're eating well and exercising efficiently you will lose weight. Good luck, and remember, sticking at it will get you results, quitting will get you nowhere!
  • vmendoza18
    vmendoza18 Posts: 10 Member
    One week is not enough, give it a couple of weeks for your body to start changing and start losing the weight. Just keep doing what you are doing.
  • SuperAmie
    SuperAmie Posts: 307 Member
    MEASURE MEASURE MEASURE!!! Scales are unreliable at some point! Especially from water retensioon... go get measuring tape and measure everything.. THATS where you'll see the change!

    Sounds like your doing a great job though.. keep it up and be patient too.
  • SelkieDiver
    SelkieDiver Posts: 260 Member
    When you start working out, your muscles will retain water (part of the natural healing process, think like when you twist your ankle and it swell, same idea but more spread out so it's not visible). In fact, you're lucky you stayed the same and didn't gain as many do! Keep up the good work, drink plenty of water and you should see results in another week or two as your body adjusts to the increase in activity.

    This! Every time I've had to restart my exercise regime after any period off, I gain between 2-5 lbs. It hangs around for a week, sometimes 2 depending on how strenuously I've recommitted and then one day, poof, its gone! Just keep on doing what you're doing. Its very normal.
  • ewhitehurst1
    ewhitehurst1 Posts: 178
    MEASURE MEASURE MEASURE!!! Scales are unreliable at some point! Especially from water retensioon... go get measuring tape and measure everything.. THATS where you'll see the change!

    Sounds like your doing a great job though.. keep it up and be patient too.

    My trainer measured me yesterday and will re-measure in one month. Hopefully I will see some good results! Sounds like I need to put up my scale for a week or two.
  • Bobby_Clerici
    Bobby_Clerici Posts: 1,828 Member
    You sound perfectly normal.
    And it's normal for people to gain and retain weight. To reduce we must resolve to be ABNORMAL.
    It's not natural for us to shed fat, and our physiology will fight us all the way.
    It's hard work.
    Stick to the MFP recommendations for exercise and food intake, then see where you are in a month or so.
    Think long-term. Good luck:flowerforyou:
  • twinmom01
    twinmom01 Posts: 854 Member
    MEASURE MEASURE MEASURE!!! Scales are unreliable at some point! Especially from water retensioon... go get measuring tape and measure everything.. THATS where you'll see the change!

    Sounds like your doing a great job though.. keep it up and be patient too.

    My trainer measured me yesterday and will re-measure in one month. Hopefully I will see some good results! Sounds like I need to put up my scale for a week or two.

    Yes put it away....just keep plugging away - you may not see drops on the scales but I will be willing to bet your clothes and such will get looser...