Have you lost a 100 pounds or more?....

jbunzsno Posts: 54 Member
edited September 20 in Health and Weight Loss
I have a little over that much to lose, and I am trying to make some "realistic goals". I could just do the math at losing 1 pound a week, but I know that there will be roadbumps along the way and I will have more weeks like this last one, where I didn't log my calories and only excercised once. Just curious how long it took all of you "amazing losers" to lose that 100 pounds (or around that) I really want to have another baby, but don't want to be pregnant and overweight again, it caused too many problems with my last pregnancy and I don't want to have to go through that again. I want to enjoy my pregnancy. Thanks for the help!
Oh...and any advice would be soooo appreciated. I have such a long way to go.


  • artschoolgirl
    artschoolgirl Posts: 598 Member
    Take your time!! I took 4 years to lose my weight & it made it an easy transition to healthy living. Set small goals. Start off by slowly cutting back on the things that are your downfall. Introduce more walking where you can. Buy a couple of dumbbells. Then start introducing more fruits and veggies. Once you're comfortable, start going to the gym. I didn't start counting calories until about 2 years ago, but I've never been a religious calorie counter but am always away of how many, or approx. how many calories i'm putting in my body. Never fully deprive yourself of your cravings. Allow yourself to split desert with a friend, or have a slice of pizza if you're dying for it! However, keep this to a minimum, like 1-2 times a week.

    Overall, have confidence in yourself & focus more on healthy living rather than getting tiny. Best of luck & keep in touch with how your journey is going!
  • Zara11
    Zara11 Posts: 1,247 Member
    I haven't lost that much, but those that do often set "minigoals" of, say, 20 pounds, 25 pounds, or even 10 pounds.

    If you've that much to lose, if you eat healthy and exercise (start off easy, and gradually ease into the new lifestyle), you will not lose at a rate of 1 pound a week. You'll probably lose at least 2, and I've heard of far higher. That rate will slow down the less you have to lose, but right now, I suggest you pick a friendly number you feel is not intimidating, really push yourself in exercise, and eat very well. You'll feel great, lose inches.... and if you lose a bunch of pounds alog the way, well, that's a bonus! :wink:

    There are groups here for people with 100+ pounds to lose. Dunno the link but hopefully someone else does - that can help keep you motivated!
  • Magenta15
    Magenta15 Posts: 850 Member
    i do the mini goals as well, that way i can be excited every 10 pound increments rather then dwell on how far away my actual goal seems :)

    good luck!:flowerforyou:
  • hasiangirl
    hasiangirl Posts: 1,613
    skim through the success stories on the forums hun...all the people here are awesome and amazing!! this site is a good support group and i've seen some AMAZING!!! stories
  • onmywaytoskinny155
    onmywaytoskinny155 Posts: 228 Member
    I've lost 100lbs but I had Lapband surgery in November 2008 so I had help. Good Luck
  • Sarandipity
    Sarandipity Posts: 1,560
    It has taken me about 7 months to loose 62lbs. I set myself to 2lbs a week, this also gave me a little more flexibility in the beginning if I ate over I was still at a deficit. For me the first step was changing the portions of what I eat. I didn't cut things out right away rather I focused primarily on meeting the calorie goal the site gave me. As I got used to that I gradually added more fruit and veggies and cut out more fats and empty calories. I still don't deny myself anything, but I do stay within my calories.

    I personally celebate every 5lbs. I also put a bit of money aside for every pound lost. Just yesterday I went and had a 1hr massage and a mani-pedi as a reward for being halfway to my first goal.

    It is a lot of small steps. If you keep going you will evenutally meet your goal. Good Luck! :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • jbunzsno
    jbunzsno Posts: 54 Member
    Thank you soooo much everyone! All this information has helped me a lot. I have been at a stand still for almost a month and just today I reset my goals on MFP. It's interesting cause about a month ago I did the same thing (reset my goals)....guess I did it wrong...I think I was in denial and thought I deserved to eat more calories than what I should have been.
    Just set my first mini-goal, and I am going to talk to my hubby about paying myself to lose weight, that would definitely be worth it and motivating! That's a good idea! Thanks!
  • havingitall
    havingitall Posts: 3,728 Member
    I have been losing weight since New Years. I agree with making the mini changes. Start with one change and work towards more. Do research into nutrition. Although a lot of people on here tell you their "diet" is best, there are only a few who are truly qualified to advise. By doing your own research you will find what works for you.

    Make an appointment with yourself to exercise and don't back out. Make sure you have variety in your exercise so you don't get bored. I mix up the gym with walking ,swimming and I'm looking into biking and yoga.( they will start soon). The variety keeps you going.

    Stay with it and don't expect miracles. I have gone through some plateaus where I have been upset with the scale and myself. In those cases, look at what you are doing and switch it up. I have also gone through times where I have not eaten the best. When that happens, kick your own butt and get back in the game.

    If it is to be, it is up to me. No truer 20 letters printed. Don't blame anybody else and don't let anybody take your glory. If you succeed, it is because you did it. If you fail, it is because you didn't do something.
    MFP is the best tool to use, but be honest with it
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