Non Gym Exercises

I have put my gym membership on hold for the summer for personal reasons but I would like to know any and all exercises I could do at home both inside and outside. I need to work on everything so all replies would be helpful. Thanks!!! :happy:


  • soontobesam
    soontobesam Posts: 714 Member
    Do you have a smart phone?

    I have an iphone and I use this app called 'Nike Training Club' on days I can't or don't want to run. I love it, some are easier and some will really make you a sweaty mess.

    I had a droid before I got my current phone and had a bunch of apps that I downloaded from there as well.

    And there are 800,000 workout videos you can do at home.
  • SelkieDiver
    SelkieDiver Posts: 260 Member
    You can do so much at home, just with body weight! Push ups, squats, lunges, walking lunges, dips, calf raises. Get some large canned goods (the big size of tomatoes are good) and you can do overhead presses, chest press, lateral raises... the go out side and run or walk, or jump rope, or skip... the list is endless! :)
  • raeleek
    raeleek Posts: 414 Member
    Hi Derosa! I posted something similar on another person's thread so you might see this again but I really love Leslie Sansone. It's true that some of her dvds are very simple but I have found that her Boot Camp dvd and her Burn Body Fat dvd work great for me! I roll out of bed in the morning and do a 45 minute workout and then I fit in a 15 minute evening workout for stress relief in the evening. They are good cardio/strength training workouts in my opinion. Between those dvds, watching calories, and playing with my kids I've lost almost 20lbs. :happy:
  • mrsderosa
    mrsderosa Posts: 5
    thanks everyone!! I will definitely be trying everything. I do have a droid so I will look for those apps and I have an ipod which I already downloaded one app on. I really appreciate it!