Any other brides to be?

Hi everyone, have just joined and think that this forum would be a great support in my weight loss. I'm getting married in just over 18 months, am 5 ft 7 and want to ultimately lose 3-3.5 stone but would like at least 2 stone off in the next 6 months so I can go dress shopping! Have lost weight in the past but put it on again. Have tried WeightWatchers and Slimming World but did calorie counting 2 years ago and lost 3 stone so I know I can do it! My problem is I am a total foodie, I love nothing more than going out for dinner, or sitting in with wine and snacks! I'm a UK size 14 and want to get back to a size 10 as I was really happy and confident at that size. Please get in touch if you relate to any of this as I'd really love to hear from like-minded people so that we can support and encourage each other in our goals xxx


  • runnercheryl
    runnercheryl Posts: 1,314 Member
    Hiya! June 2013 here, and it's coming around fast. It didn't seem to be, until I passed the one year to go mark!

    Ordered my dress back in January of this year. I'm also in the UK.
  • TadaGanIarracht
    TadaGanIarracht Posts: 2,615 Member
    I told my boyfriend I won't marry him till I'm at a weight I am comfortable with and I'm done with school. So I'm working on losing this weight and I start school in the fall and should take about four years. If I'm not at my goal weight by then I'm obviously not trying hard enough. Lol.

    And thank you for the friend request.
  • jluter925
    jluter925 Posts: 11 Member
    I am getting married next July and I am so excited. I am from the US so I don't know what a stone means? LOL Sorry... I am 13 months away as of today so today is a nice starting day. Good luck to all of us and I know we will lose the weight that we want.
  • go2it
    go2it Posts: 3
    @jluter925 - "Stone" is an old measure of weight and corresponds roughly to 14-15 pounds. So our bride-to-be friend is looking to lose 45+ pounds over an 18-month period, which sounds pretty reasonable. To the brides-to-be, from a former bride-to-be (married 2001):

    (1) If the wedding is many months away, don't be in too big a rush for the dress. You don't want to end up having it be all wrong for your new look. There are many lovely dresses out there, so if you have the time, take the time, -- and -- just because I'm on the subject -- don't fall for the idea that it should cost an arm and a leg. Mine was under $500 and I felt gorgeous, and I've seen nice dresses even more economical.

    (2) Make sure you don't do any extreme regimens you won't be able to continue once you're married. You may not think life will change much, especially those of you already living with your intendeds, but for many of even the most modern couples, your social life and activity level have the potential to slow down a lot. For me, when I met my husband, I was at a natural peak of activity, and while dating we went out dancing more often, were more involved in playing sports with friends, etc. It doesn't have to be that way; just be aware if there's the potential for it in your case and plan how you'll either avoid the slowdown OR adjust your personal fitness measures to compensate.

    (3) If you have a good future spouse, expect support -- but don't become dependent on the other person for your activity level! I would never have dreamed that after 10+ years after a single adult, and having a graduate degree and career, I would fall into not feeling much like working out if he weren't coming along, and the like. It wasn't good for him or for me, and I'm working hard at undoing the backslide - and resultant backside! :)

    Best of wishes to you in fitness AND in marital bliss.