Afternoon munchies

I was wondering if anyone has any suggestions on how you get by the afternoon munchies. I do well until about 3:30 then I am looking for something to eat. But I do not feel hungry. I have always been this way even when I was in high school. I would get home from school and while supper was cooking I would look for something to eat and I am still doing in 10 years later. Any help would be great. Thanks!


  • soaps54
    soaps54 Posts: 564 Member
    I get those too - sometimes right after I've eaten lunch. I usually guzzle water and if that doesn't do the trick, I grab a low-cal snack like fruit or boiled egg whites. The water usually nips it in the bud though.
  • tinaloveshotpants
    tinaloveshotpants Posts: 17 Member
    Craving are only supposed to last 20mins try doing something to distract you for that time or my sister keeps a jar of beetroot handy as its a super food so good for you. She has lost 2st and has kept it off, for 2yrs now so she's doing something right. Or have a look what you are eating for breakfast and lunch is it enough to sustain you through until dinner
  • MrsSnelly
    MrsSnelly Posts: 30 Member
    Try edamame (soy beans). They're super quick, easy, and yummy. I get mine at Costco, in a huge bag full of little bags that make it easy to cook just a little at a time. Very low cal, and healthy. That is the time of day when my sweet tooth rears it's ugly head, so I have to resist the urge to bake or something. Hot weather helps, because I hate turning on the oven when it's hot! But I have to steer clear of the candy aisle at the store too, or I end up with chocolate binges that I regret shortly after. I like the water suggestion, that's something I'm working on anyway, and if it helps with cravings, even better!