too much water?

is there truth to 'too much water'..?

i just had a co-worker express concern that the 12 glasses i have drank in the last 7 hours is too much and I could be wiping out my nutrients and electrolytes.

soo... what is too much?


  • ibcsrl19
    ibcsrl19 Posts: 75 Member
    Yes, you can have too much water but n12 glasses is not going to do it. Water intoxication is rare. check out this article.
  • fatmom51
    fatmom51 Posts: 173 Member
    It's very hot here today, not sure about wherever you are, so it's probably OK, especially if you're also eating some, and peeing regularly. The people who run into trouble are those who drink copious amounts in a very short period of time. If it's spread over the 7 hours you should be just fine since it works out to less than 2 cups an hour.