I DARE you!

Ladies and gents, losing weight and getting fit is a hard battle. It takes dedication, discipline, sacrifice. There's pain, there's sweat, often tears and sometimes, blood. There's injuries. There are horrible moods brought on by carb-less-ness. There are times you fall flat on your face because your legs feel like jelly and they don't remember how to navigate stairs. There are often evil glances from those who can only wish they had the endurance and strength that you do.

So, I am issuing a dare to any and all. I dare you to pick out just one person every time you go to the gym or class or whatever it is you do. Pick out someone who is genuinely working hard, who is really busting it out there. Then, go up to them and tell them how badass they are. I have found that women are absolutely stunned when another woman ventures to do this. Apparently, most women prefer to shoot daggers instead of giving credit where it's due in a situation like this. You're NOT competing! You're giving a stranger an honest bit of praise! Dudes - give it up for a bro. If you're really skilled and can do this without being flirtatious, compliment the opposite sex but be honest and make it about their effort and their dedication. You'd be amazed at how people react!!

I dare you. Are you up for it?
