How many calories do you eat in a day?



  • BeautyCrys
    BeautyCrys Posts: 209 Member
    No I never have that problem! I seriously LOVE food. I have to work out or I'd be over every day :( I eat 1750 a day
  • mgmlap
    mgmlap Posts: 1,377 Member
    I eat between 1600-2000 a day depending on if I work out or not. I eat clean cause my body acts better that way...
  • devil_in_a_blue_dress
    devil_in_a_blue_dress Posts: 5,214 Member
    I'm 5'3 - normally if I do not work out, 1,200 - 1,400. If I have worked out - about 1,500-1,600.

    Sometimes, I will eat upwards of 2,500 IF I feel hungry or want a special treat.
  • BuckeyeBabe10
    BuckeyeBabe10 Posts: 204 Member
    Like someone mentioned previously, TDEE is something to take into consideration.

    Definitely check out the "Eat More To Weigh Less" group for more background on why it's important to eat the calories you need each the sounds of it, your body may just be "used" to not eating a lot of calories each day (hence why you're not hungry). Your metabolism may be hurting big time because of it too...

    Ultimately, it's up to you at the end of the day what direction you want to go (eating more calories or not), but it's worth checking out the following:

    Hope this helps spread some alternative knowledge on the topic - good luck whatever you decide! :o)
  • dawlschic007
    dawlschic007 Posts: 636 Member
    I eat between 1750 and 2200 calories depending on my workout routine for the day.
  • Bobby_Clerici
    Bobby_Clerici Posts: 1,828 Member
    Crash diets just don't work long term, and when we set fitness goals, that should be for life.
    Just follow the MFP recommendations.
    It's just that simple.
    I lost over 70lbs here, and I started out eating over 4000 per day...:drinker:
    Now, I eat about 3000 give or take.
    Why starve yourself and stifle your metabolism? Think long-term.
    Good luck:flowerforyou:
  • AnitaVolpato
    AnitaVolpato Posts: 204 Member
    I am confused by reading these replies? So if I only eat like 1,200 or 1,000 calories a day I won't lose weight? What if I become more active and exercise more than I have been the past year? I have never been one to eat too much so I guess I just don't get it?
  • PrincessNikkiBoo
    PrincessNikkiBoo Posts: 330 Member
    Sounds like I'm going to have to try eat more then! I'll aim for the 1200 goal to start.

    My issue is with working most of the time, I never actually have time to eat! I'll just take some extra bits in to snack on during the day. :)

    I just really hope it doesn't stop / slow down my weight loss! This is the lowest I've been for so long and I don't want to put it back on again.
  • Crash-diets really don't work .. I eat about 1800 calories a day and like others said before:
    1200 calories a day or less is called STARVING in most cases.
    Don't starve yourself, it'll come back on your rips faster than you like.
    Try make floating times for eating and eat about 6 or more times a day ...
    I had the same problem ... 40 years ... 100 kg (220 lbs) of weight and I did 700 calories a day for more than one month ... NO real changes on weight, took 3 days to get me 220++ ....

    greetings, Sascha
  • Captain_Tightpants
    Captain_Tightpants Posts: 2,215 Member
    I eat between 1700 and 2700 depending on how active I am.

    Yes, eating too low may slow your weight loss in the long run.

    If you're having trouble getting your cals up, peanut butter and olive oil are your best friends.
  • tmauck4472
    tmauck4472 Posts: 1,785 Member
    Are you guys losing weight on those low calories?? How quickly?

    I lose about 15 lbs a month eathing between 6 to 800 a day. I do this for me and only me and I don't encourage anyone else to eat the way I do. I also exercise daily at the gym or Zumba.
  • michellekicks
    michellekicks Posts: 3,624 Member
    About 2600 calories/day to maintain and 2100 calories/day to lose.

    Not to be rude, but it's impossible for you to have become overweight without the ability to eat more than 7-800 calories/day. That level of calorie intake signals a disordered eating pattern.
  • PrincessNikkiBoo
    PrincessNikkiBoo Posts: 330 Member
    About 2600 calories/day to maintain and 2100 calories/day to lose.

    Not to be rude, but it's impossible for you to have become overweight without the ability to eat more than 7-800 calories/day. That level of calorie intake signals a disordered eating pattern.

    Actually, medical issues are the problem not an eating disorder. That is why I put on weight.
  • AbbsyBabbsy
    AbbsyBabbsy Posts: 184 Member
    Add in 50 calories every 3-4 days until you hit what you should be eating. Your hunger will return.

    I crash dieted the first 3 months and 30 lbs off me. Not intentionally; I'd been sick and antibiotics killed my hunger. I was averaging 1000 cals a day or less and also exercising every day. I now average 1300-1400 and work out only 3 times a week. I'm losing just as fast. Clearly I did not kill my metabolism, so fret not. Give it time, and you'll be on track once again!
    OSC_ESD Posts: 752 Member
    ~ I use three different methods while consuming my calories ... A normal day is between 1500 and 1700 calories ... Then I have the day I do " IF " .... Taking in maybe 1,000 calories in 4 hrs ... Coming off the fast I go into a protein day of about 1400 calories and then there are days I have anywhere from 1800 to 2300 calories. It is more like a zigzag method ... But I tweaked it to fit my lifestyle.

    Every body is different ... If you only consume 800 calories on a regular basis ... I would like to hope that is all from one ingredient foods, nuts, seeds, proteins, healthy fats, Greek yogurt, fruits and veggies ... If not, you're are failing at fueling your body.

    With all that being said ... The average person should not go below 1200 calories a day on a regular basis ... There are plenty of nutritious high calorie foods that can be eaten when you are " hungry ". Search out some resources of power foods and increase those calories in a good way !

    Best of luck and remember ... What works for one, doesn't always work for another !

  • I eat between 1400-1900 per day, depending on how much exercise I've done. I'm aiming to lose weight, and my basic calorie goal is 1500.
  • michellekicks
    michellekicks Posts: 3,624 Member
    About 2600 calories/day to maintain and 2100 calories/day to lose.

    Not to be rude, but it's impossible for you to have become overweight without the ability to eat more than 7-800 calories/day. That level of calorie intake signals a disordered eating pattern.

    Actually, medical issues are the problem not an eating disorder. That is why I put on weight.

    Well if that's the case, than oftentimes it can be a specific answer to getting the weight off. For instance, I had a friend who had candida and held on to 20 lbs of fat and bloat in her mid-section. As soon as she went on a candida diet (zero sugar of any kind) it went away. She didn't have to restrict or count calories at all. If a medical problem put the weight on, can you talk to your GP about how to fix it?
  • marie_2454
    marie_2454 Posts: 881 Member
    I eat between 1,600-2,100 and don't have a problem eating that at all. Try eating some PB, full fat cheese, or nuts. All of those are pretty high in calories without being really filling.
  • PrincessNikkiBoo
    PrincessNikkiBoo Posts: 330 Member
    About 2600 calories/day to maintain and 2100 calories/day to lose.

    Not to be rude, but it's impossible for you to have become overweight without the ability to eat more than 7-800 calories/day. That level of calorie intake signals a disordered eating pattern.

    Actually, medical issues are the problem not an eating disorder. That is why I put on weight.

    Well if that's the case, than oftentimes it can be a specific answer to getting the weight off. For instance, I had a friend who had candida and held on to 20 lbs of fat and bloat in her mid-section. As soon as she went on a candida diet (zero sugar of any kind) it went away. She didn't have to restrict or count calories at all. If a medical problem put the weight on, can you talk to your GP about how to fix it?

    Was just told to go on a diet. I've booked an appointment to discuss it with them in 2 weeks.
  • capnwo85
    capnwo85 Posts: 1,103 Member
    :glasses: ~3500