

  • linda1243
    linda1243 Posts: 166
    I got a trainer and I love it but I needed someone who would push me and checks to make sure i go to the gym on days i don't meet with her. I was upfront about not having a lot to spend so we settled on 1 day a week and she gave me a copy of the workout which I would do two other times during the week and then 2 days of cardio. I love it. You could always buy one or two sessions and see if you think it would be worth it.
  • nwhitley
    nwhitley Posts: 619
    I think it depends on what your reasoning is for going. If you want to learn some exercises you can do on your own or learn how to use the gym equipment- then yes it might be worth paying for a month or 2. If your just going so someone can motivate you- then no it's not worth it. I just started a boot camp class that meets once a month for $40.00 a month. I am only going for 2 months. I am only going to learn some new exercises to add to my current workout. But, I can't see paying the amount of money you are talking about to have someone watch me workout and tell me what to do. Not worth it.
  • TheFitFireman
    TheFitFireman Posts: 185 Member
    I would say no, and for one very good reason, you can educate yourself easily with online sources on what you need to be doing. I don't ever see trainers pushing and motivating someone to get one more rep while working out so basically all they are there for is to tell you what to do next. Save yourself a ton of money and read up online on what kind of exercises you should be doing.
  • Nataliaho
    Nataliaho Posts: 878 Member
    Having a trainer is definately worth it... IF (and its a big if) you get the right trainer. It is irrelevant if many or even most trainers are crap, because you only need one.

    Depending on you current level of fitness, motivation, confidence, I think a trainer can be an awesome thing. Don't listen to the shamers who tell you should be able to do it alone. If you can't, get some help. Be real with yourself, everyone has their faults and not being able to motivate youself to get into the gym isn't the massive character flaw that people would have you believe. Four years ago when I started with my trainer I was lazy, scared and ashamed, I only got to where I am because of her. I don't feel any shame for that, I got the help I needed!

    If you are already reasonable fit and motivated bnut want to take it to the next level then I would advise you to look for coach/trainer for that specific sport/discipline. I do my lifting at a powerlifting gym with a strength and conditioning coach... I would challenge anyone who thinks reading SS is the same thing :noway: I do my crossfit and oly lifing with a trainer who is qualifed in those things and who has been quite successful at both in her own rights. Don't expect any old trainer to be a strength coach, its a specialty.

  • marymickaela
    marymickaela Posts: 190 Member
    I started with a trainer last September and it has been worth it. Not only has he introduced me to exercises and equipment I never would have tried, he also guided me on the correct form and yes he pushed me to do more sets and reps. I only have two sessions left and I'm going to miss my trainer. It was a great motivator knowing I had to meet someone and once getting there having that extra push to do new exercises at a level I would never do on my own. I'm really trying to psych myself up that now that I'm almost done I'll do it own my own. I can do it. Still, it's going to be scarry going to the guys side of the gym or what I consider the guy's side.

    I don't want to sound stupid, but what is SS?