Are you green? Even a little? Why?

splashangel Posts: 494 Member
When I decided to get healthy it kinda spilled over into other areas of my life. At first, I ate less. Then healthier food choices. Then I became aware of chemicals in my food. Soon followed what I put on my body. What were we breathing in our home? We now have an organic garden. And make as many natural choices as is possible at this time. Making my own cleaning supplies and so forth. Curious as to what got the ball rolling for you.


  • jplord
    jplord Posts: 510 Member
    I grew up with an ethic of respect for wilderness, conservatism of resources and habitat, and composting. These were all part of growing up. As I got older and went into resource exploration I looked for oil for 6 years before transferign into the petroleum and hazardous waste cleanup business. So I've been cleaning up toxic dumps and superfund sites nad radioactive messes for 30 years.

    The next big opportunity came when our home burned up in 2007. It was the big wildfires in San Diego that wiped our tract home clean off the map. So my wife and I decided to rebuild as green as we could, and our architects encouraged it. Our architects were my brother and his wife, so it was a family thing. And we designed and built a home in compliance with U.S. Green Building Council (USGBC) LEED Platinum standards. That's as green as you can go. Google LEED Platinum home and you'll get the idea.

    So not only Solar power, and excellent insulation to reduce energy use, but wildfire mitigations, stormwater collection and reuse via a 4,200-gallon cistern, native landscaping, no-VOC paints, seismic moment frame of steel I-beams to make the home more durable and go into the landfill further out in time, and on and on. Google Map 11430 Luz Road, San Diego and check it out!

    Now I go to disaster areas and encourage people rebuilding to make it an opportunity to what ever degree they can. Thanks for asking!
  • bwmiller1
    bwmiller1 Posts: 98
    Started on Jan 1 when i stepped on the scale and it was the most i've ever been. Then i watched a doc with my pal Pir8 called Forks Over Knives. Then I gave up meat for Lent. Now, it's become a lifestyle change. Still eat meat but not nearly as much. No more mindless eating. Taking a few seconds to consider my actions, both short term and long term. I'm spreading the word as much as I can. I feel better, look better and i'm a little bit happier.
  • Laces_0ut
    Laces_0ut Posts: 3,750 Member
    I do not usually consider my impact on the Earth when I make a decision. priority for me is usually cost/convenience.
  • dfborders
    dfborders Posts: 474 Member
    I try to do everything in moderation. I try to recycle as much as I can - from not throwing water bottles away until I get home to going through my boss' trach can to pull out the papers to recycle (and yelling at him if he doesn't recycle:laugh:). I also try to eat some organic fruit and if organic meat is on sale I will buy it. I have just started trying to eat Soy yogurt to cut down on the dairy products I eat (because I love dairy) and in the process maybe cut out some animal fat. I just figure if everyone does a little something as far as recycling, sustainable food, etc. then hopefully it will help a lot. Probably naive but I at least like to try...
  • QuirkyPanda
    QuirkyPanda Posts: 44 Member
    I try to recycle as much as I can - from not throwing water bottles away until I get home to going through my boss' trach can to pull out the papers to recycle (and yelling at him if he doesn't recycle:laugh:).

    I dig recyclables out of the work trash bins, too! I can't just let it sit there! I'm glad to know I'm not the only one, haha. :)
  • _the_feniks_
    _the_feniks_ Posts: 3,443 Member
    I recycle, compost, use CFLs, use as little electricity during peak hours, etc. More than anything because I love cars and I have to offset my love for petrol.
  • chazsucks
    chazsucks Posts: 170
    For me it was having children, as soon as I was pregnant with another life things mattered more than they ever did before. We started with things like cloth nappies, wooden toys not plastic etc now we grow our own fruits and veg, we use very little hair or body products with chemicals - things like coconut oil for skin, crystal deodorant etc :)

    We talk and think a lot about the things we want in our body or around us and the impact they have. We're nowhere near 'clean eating' but gradually as time has gone on we've gotten more and more "green"
  • splashangel
    splashangel Posts: 494 Member
    iplord, your house is a dream. I did google it and it is lovely. WOW! I know alot of heart went into it. Anything you would of done diffrently? My Parents house burned and there was stuff in it that it just breaks my heart to think about being gone forever. So, I know it was bad for yall but I am glad you were able to build such a great home. Amazing actually
    Chazsucks- I am with you on the coconut oil and crystal deoderant. I even make my own face cream from a plant called Plaintain( not the banana thing) and coconut oil. It works really well. I am not totally clean but like you, want to be.

    O.K. guys, digging through the trash was funny.....At the same time I get it.

    Laces_out, Yea I know how it goes. I was older then you are now before I even gave it the first thought. Losing my mom to cancer triggerd it all for me.I started studing how to get her as healthy as possible. Some things I have found are cheaper and easier.

    BW. That's how it starts. Just paying attention and being more aware! GOOD FOR YOU!!!
  • justanotherbrickinthewall
    The same thing happened to me. When I first started changing my eating habits, I became more and more aware of the things I'm putting in my body. Now, everyone in my house eats really healthy and about 95% of the food we eat is organic. Also, we plant our own vegetables and herbs.