Sick of Hearing About Peanut Butter and Nuts



  • supplemama
    supplemama Posts: 1,956 Member
    I hear you. In my case I am not allergic to peanuts or anything, quite the contrary; I am addicted to peanut butter. I simply cannot eat it without going crazy on it. So I went a whole year without any peanut butter and now only have it twice a year. But it's funny, I mentioned this on a thread before and some people messaged me about some powdered peanut butter product that is supposedly low cal. Which it may be, but powdered peanut butter does not sound appetizing at all LOL
  • VMarkV
    VMarkV Posts: 522 Member
    Coconut oil, avocado, egg yolks, all great sources of "good" fat
    Allergic to tree nuts, yes, nuts and seeds are highly over-rated
  • eriemer
    eriemer Posts: 197
    Peanut butter is Nasty! I don't like it at all. Plus, I made a point in the past to compared PB to thick sliced bacon! Guess what 4 slices of thick bacon have more protein, less calories, and fat (depending on brand) and about equal salt (again depending on brand). I'll have some Bacon over PB anyday and I don't even like it!
  • caraiselite
    caraiselite Posts: 2,631 Member
    sour cream. cream cheese. butter. bacon fat.
    cottage cheese. pepperoni.

    cheese and tomatoes. mmm.
  • TyFit08
    TyFit08 Posts: 799 Member
    Coconut oil, avocado, egg yolks, all great sources of "good" fat
    Allergic to tree nuts, yes, nuts and seeds are highly over-rated

    Glad to see I'm not the only one who thinks so. Hearing about nuts and PB all the time on MFP is giving me flashbacks to being a kid with the lunch lady treated me like an outcast for refusing to eat a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. My mother had to actually come to the school. Now schools know better.
  • rachemn
    rachemn Posts: 407 Member
    God yes! I hear you! I can't eat peanuts and I get really peed off with all the comments raving about how great peanut butter is!

    Peanut butter tastes like having little angels fly down from heaven and place love directly on your tongue.

    Just sayin.

    I've neverr heard it put better!!! I love me some peanut butter! But if you'd rather we could talk about bacon...another favorite MFP food. Mmmm...nothing is really better than bacon!
  • sarahrbraun
    sarahrbraun Posts: 2,261 Member
    I don't see what the big deal is. I can't eat GLUTEN plus a whole lot of other things. That's a much bigger food problem than peanuts. I can barely eat in restaurants for the sheer fact that I always get very very ill. People are always talking about foods that they love that have gluten in them and it doesn't bother me one bit. I think you have a whole lot of misplaced venom for the lover of nuts.

    Peanut butter is awesome. I love it. I eat it when I'm low on cals and protein to get my numbers up. Don't be hatin' the butter lovers. Unless you have it in your profile pic that you can't eat it, no one will know.

    @Fiveohmike. You are so correct.

    have you ever gone into anaphylaxis from eating gluten? If not, probably not a good comparison...

    I can see where the OPs frustration is. I have seen threads where the OP is asking for advice, says I AM ALLERGIC TO NUTS, yet every second or third response is " eat a handful of nuts" or "eat a spoonful or two of peanut butter"

    OP--avocado might be a good alternative for you. I have eaten almost 2 avocados myself in the last 2 days. They just taste SOO good for some reason.
  • BostonMatt
    BostonMatt Posts: 258
    Dry roasted edemame
    Dry roasted chick peas.
  • bewitchinglife
    bewitchinglife Posts: 167 Member

    Glad to see I'm not the only one who thinks so. Hearing about nuts and PB all the time on MFP is giving me flashbacks to being a kid with the lunch lady treated me like an outcast for refusing to eat a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. My mother had to actually come to the school. Now schools know better.

    It really sounds like you are just whining because you can't eat nuts.

    Seriously. My none of my kids can eat nuts. My eight year old can't eat: dairy, nuts, gluten, soy, shellfish, pork, and anything with additives or preservatives in it. He doesn't seem to have as much of a problem with his allergies as you do.

    I really do think you might need to let it go a bit. There are worse things in the world that not being able to eat nuts. I *get* looking for food alternatives. I do it all day every day. It's not that big of a deal if you accept your food limitations and move on.

    Emphasis on MOVE ON.
  • TyFit08
    TyFit08 Posts: 799 Member
    Honestly I don't want to eat nuts, I don't feel like I'm missing out because I don't. But every other topic when I either ask about diet advice or I'm reading about food help, the same reply eat a spoonful of peanut butter or a handful of nuts. Clearly I am not the only one who has nut allergies and/or don't eat PB and nuts, but that is the go to MFP response. This is not the 1980s when the idea that a kid didn't eat peanut butter and jelly sandwich was unheard of. Nut allergies isn't all that rare, at least not anymore, so I find it surprising that on a site with so many users it is a struggle to get non-nut food advice/options.

    For those who did give non-nut suggestions. Thanks. I never really thought about avocados. Will have to give that a shot. I do enjoy greek yogurt so I guess keep on with that. As for oils, someone suggested coconut oil to me earlier today. I currently use it for my hair, so I guess it wouldn't hurt to put in my food.
  • bewitchinglife
    bewitchinglife Posts: 167 Member
    You are correct. This isn't the 1980's. People are more aware of food allergies. Having allergies doesn't make you a social pariah any more... but no need to create an issue where there isn't one. Doing so really only hurts the people with food allergies as it makes us all look like we can't be gracious with the hand we've been dealt.

    You are going to be better off if you just accept that there are nut lovers here and let it go. Obviously you can do whatever you want to, but getting irritated when someone is trying to help you says a lot more about you than it does about them.

    For the rest of my life I'll be surrounded by food that I'll never be able to eat. No matter how bad I want it. Whatever. Life goes on. There are plenty of things I can eat and I'm not going to begrudge anyone a donut.

    You got some wonderful suggestions for food that you can eat and I hope that you find more. Life with allergies is hard. Choosing to be frustrated about them only makes it harder.
  • catshark209
    catshark209 Posts: 1,133 Member
    I do like Greek Yogurt. I guess I was just venting because it seems like everyone on MFP are always saying have some peanut butter and nuts as if that is a realistic option for everyone.

    Lol seriously huh? I'm trying to gain weight and I can't even eat all them nuts. I go for avocados.
  • bm99
    bm99 Posts: 597 Member
    I guess its like magic food, peanut butter and nuts. If one more person tells me to have a spoonful of peanut butter or a handful of almonds. Really, do you know how prevalent nut allergies are? You can't even have nut products in schools anymore. Mine are mild, just get hives, but even still I happen to think peanut butter is the nastiest thing I've ever tasted. There has to be some other magic food out there for us non-nut eaters.

    According to this ( 3 million people (out of 300 million or so in this country) have a nut allergy. That is 1%.

    I'm sorry I don't take your rare circumstance into consideration when giving advice. Most people don't assume that you have a food allergy.

    Is a "thank you for the help, but I am allergic to nuts, do you have any other suggestions?" too hard to manage?
  • bewitchinglife
    bewitchinglife Posts: 167 Member
    ^^^^^ Nodding. Yes!
  • TyFit08
    TyFit08 Posts: 799 Member
    Even when the first line of my post say I have a food allergy, the response is have some almonds. It has happened several times on MFP. So no I don't expect anyone to assume I or anyone else have an allergy, but to ignore it when responding to posts I just don't get. Also that 1% is the reason why nuts are banned from most if not all schools, so obviously some people take it seriously. For those of you who love nuts and PB great, but when someone posts looking for diet advice at least read the post before going on and on about how PB is this magic food.
  • TauTheBull
    TauTheBull Posts: 96
  • bm99
    bm99 Posts: 597 Member
    Even when the first line of my post say I have a food allergy, the response is have some almonds. It has happened several times on MFP. So no I don't expect anyone to assume I or anyone else have an allergy, but to ignore it when responding to posts I just don't get. Also that 1% is the reason why nuts are banned from most if not all schools, so obviously some people take it seriously. For those of you who love nuts and PB great, but when someone posts looking for diet advice at least read the post before going on and on about how PB is this magic food.

    If it makes you feel better, I usually put forth coconut oil as a magic food rather than peanut butter. Peanut butter is... meh.

    You don't want to know my views on peanut bans in schools. The only people who take it seriously are school administrators who don't want to be sued.
  • BostonMatt
    BostonMatt Posts: 258
    Just to clarify, what exactly are you looking for when you say "magic food". Something for a snack, main course, side dish or are we talking about getting some source of specific macro?
  • bewitchinglife
    bewitchinglife Posts: 167 Member
    A few schools have banned nuts ( and are having HUGE push back). Not most. Most have peanut free tables these days, but have not banned peanuts altogether. One class room in my children's school is nut free because the teacher is terribly allergic.

    Look lady. I get that you have a food allergy and for that you get my sympathy. Like I stated earlier we deal with multiple severe food allergies in our home and NO ONE complains as much as you have in this thread.

    Why did you get nut lovers making comments and waxing poetic about the food they love? Because your post was begging for it pure and simple. Your header on the thread was inflammatory from the get go. You asked for it and got it.

    Your attitude towards others and their assistance kinda stinks. You obviously don't care about your part in this equation so I guess that the end of the convo, eh? Keep on complaining about others and how hard it is for you.

    Peace out.
  • neanderthin
    neanderthin Posts: 9,991 Member
    Rib eye bone in, that's magic.