Something has to work.....

Hi! My name is Jesi. I am new to myfitnesspal... I logged my food and exercise faithfully for a couple weeks; then there must have been a bump in the road. I missed one, two... ok 8 days of working out. I do a great job of eating healthy when I get a good workout in. However, for some silly reason, days I don't workout, I seem to eat everything in sight.

I recently relocated to St Louis from NW Wisconsin. Currently I am not working outside the home; but, I am working on my MBA. I do not know anybody (except my boyfriend) here. I am missing my support group that kept me going to the gym back home.

Another issue I have (actually two issues) I suffer from frequent migraines and I have Lupus. Days that either is causing me trouble it is hard to find the ambition to do much of anything.

I am hoping to make some new friends and progress on my weight loss journey.

Good luck to all!


  • jesilee7692
    BUMP! Hi, I'm pretty new to MFP and I am looking to find some friends so we can help motivate each other!
    The friends I have made thus far are a great help. I look forward to hearing from everyone!!!
    Best of Luck with all your goals.
  • Sheila_Ann
    Sheila_Ann Posts: 365 Member
    Welcome to MFP! My profile about me says it

    Feel free to add me! I'm on every day and I'm close to my goal.
