Working Hard for Nothing!



  • morkiemama
    morkiemama Posts: 894 Member
    You can check my food diary. I tend to make nice choices! I weigh like everyday, I cant help it lol but ive tried staying under my calories.. hitting my calories.. an going over a lil' nothing seems to work!

    How long have you been trying this new lifestyle? Also, how long did you stick with one change or one way of going about it before jumping to another?

    You have to give your body time to adjust to a routine. If you jump to something else too quickly, you won't see the results because your body doesn't know what you're doing lol. :) You need to give it time to catch up with you.
  • KrazyAsianNic
    KrazyAsianNic Posts: 1,227 Member
    Depending how long you have been doing this, you could just be at a plateau. If this is the case, then maybe try changing your eating habits and whatnot. Sometimes when people are closer to their goal weight, for some reason there is a need to eat more.

    Keep up what you're doing. If you're eating the same foods or doing the same exercises, maybe mix it up a little so that your body isn't staying adjusted to the change but constantly changing.

    Hope this helps a little.
  • Try shock tactics.... My weight came off FINALLY after removing starchy carbs like bread, pasta, wheat products, rice etc... play around with your macronutrients.... try more protein and fat, less carbs. It worked for me, but everyone is different. Also, add resistance training (just using your bodyweight) to create muscle to burn fat and increase your metabolism. Intense workouts create similar results... I have been running slow for months with little weight loss. Then cranked up the intensity to include sprints and interval training, and the weight is flying off me! Most of all, stick with it!
  • TammyW18
    TammyW18 Posts: 244 Member
    If u are not seeing the scale move, take ur measurements..
  • morkiemama
    morkiemama Posts: 894 Member
    I just looked @ your diary & you netted less than 1,000 calories.. this is way too low. Your body is holding on to everything you are giving. It is not recommended to Net below your BMR. You need to calculate your BMR & TDEE to determine how many calories your body needs in a day.

    Go to to get your #'s then post them here & we can help you better.

    This! :D

    Also, as mentioned earlier, check out the sticky threads on the Eat More to Weight Less group here:
  • Nataliaho
    Nataliaho Posts: 878 Member
    I totally understand this feeling. I am not perfect with my diet by any means, but I am pretty good. I know that's my issue though, I need to be better. But I train HARD, like harder than all my friends, all my family and everyone at my work. We did a crossfit WOD yesterday and I beat every single person in my box, which is about 12 really fit people... BUT... I am still the fattest out of everyone (except my family), it gets really disheartening to know you work harder but don't look like you do :(

    You just have to pick yourself up, dust yourself off and keep on plugging away... think about it this way, what is the alternative? My old life? no way!!
  • nicgurg75
    nicgurg75 Posts: 3
    SAME THING Has happen to me and alot of other people......I agree with others don't weigh yourself all the time I have stopped weighing myself I am going to try one time a week if I can, it is really hard, I lost weight and them BAM I put it back on NOW I am trying AGAIN To loose 10 lbs, and keep it off and honestly this group is really helping me find someone you can talk to and make sure it is SOME ONE Positive that will motivate you ok. REALLY It has helped me to talk about it and learn to left myself up !!!! Find you some sticky notes and write positive things and put it on your bathroom mirror so you will see it when you wake up. Here is what I have on mine : Give yourself Compliments.....Make a Point to give yourself 3 compliments and FEEL GOOD About YOU!!!! Be Determined to do this daily !!! Visualize Your Success !!! Anything to motivate you post it !!! Be Blessed !!
  • wookiemouse
    wookiemouse Posts: 290 Member
    I agree with what's been said - it's not always about the scale. I lost only 8 lbs in 2011, but 4 clothing sizes. Is the scale number more important to you, or how you look and feel?
  • i_am_losing_it
    i_am_losing_it Posts: 310 Member
    I checked out your diary and it seems you track a few days and skip tracking a few days, I went several weeks back in your diary and it seems to be the case. On days you track sometimes you are way under and others at or above your calorie goal. If you are not tracking every day you could easily be going over on those days, and the days you do track are so inconsistent, you may not even be at a calorie deficit overall. Another thought I had is that your body must be so confused by the up and down that it is going to hold on to whatever weight it can because for all it knows you may only eat 700 calories the next day.
  • Temple_Fit
    Temple_Fit Posts: 299 Member
    You can check my food diary. I tend to make nice choices! I weigh like everyday, I cant help it lol but ive tried staying under my calories.. hitting my calories.. an going over a lil' nothing seems to work!

    Your diary looks pretty clean. How often are you eating. Eating ever 3hr can help speed up your metabolism.
  • deniseh77
    deniseh77 Posts: 6 Member
    i have beem using fitness pal for a month to help me track food intake and exercise. I eat healthy staying within my calorie limit. I too have not lost 1 lb. However I am on 2 heart meds that make you gain weight. My dr wanted me to gain some weight as I was too thin to be able to be on the meds I must be on. So I am conservative in my weight loss goals. only attempting 5 lbs. not sure if im not losing because of my meds or if Im not doing diet/exercise correctly. appreciate anyone's input.