
How do you all stay motivated with eating right and exercise?

I do good for about a week and then totally fall off the wagon. I do really bad for a few days and then start feeling bad about myself and try to quit everything cold turkey. I am so unmotivated but I hate the fact that I have already lost 12 pounds and just can't seem to lose the other 7 - 8 pounds. I work 10hrs a day in a hospital so when I get home I am exhausted. I need some ideas on staying on track.


  • tobielauren
    tobielauren Posts: 184 Member
    This may sound weird, but you almost need to try instead of "trying" it is more of a normal thing. Put plugging in calories into your daily activities. Wear a pedometer at work (I assume you are doing a lot of walking around) and try to make a game out of how many steps you can take. Can you take more steps than the day before? Can you take more steps week to week? Do you have a good support system at home that you can go for walks with or talk to or eat healthy with (if not, that's what we are for).

    Another thing is fake it. Fake the confidence. Just like when you are upset you feel better if you smile or laugh even if they aren't true (it releases endorphins when you smile), eventually you will start to believe yourself and that faking is going to turn into doing and believing :)

    Hope this helps
  • mhughes0430
    mhughes0430 Posts: 8 Member
    I have very little support at home. My husband works a lot and isn't home much and when he is he isn't into exercising. It would be nice to have someone to go along on walks or help when I get disgusted with the whole diet thing. I think you're right though that I'm trying too hard. I constantly think about everything I put in my mouth and I think that's why I get so discouraged. You have some really good ideas though. Thanks for your help.
  • callherbeautyxo
    callherbeautyxo Posts: 124 Member
    honestly what keeps me motivated to workout and eat healthy is looking in magazines with Rihanna and kourtney kardashian they have amazing bodies their beautiful . I also look at a lot of stuff for thinspiration on pinterest they have a lot of cool diet tricks and recipes :)
  • tobielauren
    tobielauren Posts: 184 Member
    yeah...its super hard with lack of support at home...something that i've learned through Al Anon (AA for family) is that you need to be a bit selfish for things that you want and honestly don't're gunna do fine :)
  • arcticfox04
    arcticfox04 Posts: 1,011 Member
    Im naturally motived. When I get into a groove its hard to get out.