Do green smoothies actually work? Any tips appreciated :)



  • allysteven880
    If you are taking in limit then everything is fine. But if you are eating limitless, you will definitely gain your weight.
  • kenyaponder20
    Green smoothies are awesome !!! i have been drinkinng them now every morning for almost over a month my first couple of pounds lost were from drinking green smoothies ????... if you like to get your self started join a 30 day challenge.thats what i did when i first started .they are the best because they give support as well as recipes and great information on what to eat what not to eat and how to make delicious green smoothies . and are awesome websites for begginers .. happy drinking .. and good luck in your path to healthy ????
  • jim180155
    jim180155 Posts: 769 Member
    I don't think green smoothies are going to make you lose weight any faster than just eating yogurt, spinach, and fruit separately. I actually find I don't really like smoothies for weight loss purposes, because my mind processes it as a drink and therefore as no filling, meaning it leaves me still hungry. I eat smoothies mainly when I need a boost in calories (like after a long run) or when I want something fast. Other than that, there aren't really any advantages to them other than maybe disguising the taste of the vegetables you might not like.

    I agree. Green smoothies are just food. If you put good stuff in, the smoothie will be good for you, but I find it more satisfying to eat all the veggies and fruit in a huge salad. Then again, smoothies are a good way to add protein powder, chia, flax and hemp seeds.

    If you look at my diary you'll see that some days, like today, most of my food is in the form of smoothies. That's not because smoothies are better or help you lose weight, but because they're convenient. I can spend my 30 minute lunch break walking and then drink my lunch afterward at my desk without anyone complaining.

    Note: My smoothies aren't low-cal. I think today's lunch smoothie was over 850 calories.
  • montana_girl
    montana_girl Posts: 1,403 Member
    I use green smoothies to get my daily does of veggies and protein. Plus they tend to keep me full longer than most meals, so if I know I'm not going to be eating for awhile (road trips, whatever), it's a great way to stay full and satisfied. As for losing weight, not sure it helps me much in that respect since my smoothies tend to be 350 to 700 calories! LOL
  • momtoeric
    momtoeric Posts: 33 Member
    These recipes sound great. Do I need a special juicer or will my typical blender and/or food processor work?
  • AllOutof_Bubblegum
    AllOutof_Bubblegum Posts: 3,646 Member
    No special food or smoothie is "good for weight loss" or "works". The only thing that works is a calorie deficit. If people have lost weight taking green smoothies, it is only because they encourage you to eat less by being filling, thus creating the deficit.
  • kmclauchlanquinn
    kmclauchlanquinn Posts: 31 Member
    For reducing calories: I like to blend up a large amount of kale and/or spinach, cucumber with a small amount of berries and pineapple (bananas are v high calorie), with about 200 mls of coconut water, a little ginger and a squeeze of lemon. A good tip for keeping it weight-loss friendly: green vegies to fruit ratio should be at least 4:1. It's pretty easy when making it this way to keep it under or around 100 cals.
    If you use frozen fruit it makes the xmoothie icy and delicious :)
  • kmclauchlanquinn
    kmclauchlanquinn Posts: 31 Member
    For reducing calories: I like to blend up a large amount of kale and/or spinach, cucumber with a small amount of berries and pineapple (bananas are v high calorie), with about 200 mls of coconut water, a little ginger and a squeeze of lemon. A good tip for keeping it weight-loss friendly: green vegies to fruit ratio should be at least 4:1. It's pretty easy when making it this way to keep it under or around 100 cals.
    If you use frozen fruit it makes the xmoothie icy and delicious :)

    Whoops, I meant 100 mls coconut water :)
  • mestiza91
    mestiza91 Posts: 51
    I usually chuck in some green to my smoothie.. the ones that dont make a difference to the flavour. as i cannot pysically enjoy drinking veg like celery! itmakes me gag! I would rather just eat it the way it is.

    My typical smoothie is an apple, bananana, strawberries, grape, kiwi.. You could count the apple grape and kiwi as green, then i just chuck in a handful or 2 of spinach or kale. it makes no difference to the taste but the added nutrition is there. I also use soy/almond/skimmed milk and a bit of water to thin down the thickness!
  • chuconto
    chuconto Posts: 1
    Hello, I'm new to green smoothies and I have been drinking one for breakfast and on some days for lunch as well. Usually 32 oz. per shake made up of about 50/50 fruits and greens, I add chia seeds and sometimes whey protein. A little about myself, I am a man of just below average height with a stocky build. It's pretty easy for me to put on muscle but difficult for me to lose fat. I am looking to lose weight so I'm wondering how to make my smoothie filling without adding too many calories? I used to pack a lot of food because I got hungry usually every two hours. Also, what are the best sources of protein/fat? Any help is appreciated!
  • shellzbellz
    shellzbellz Posts: 38 Member
    Hi Everyone, I have been using Green Smoothies for a couple weeks now and have been feeling great. I make them in my Vita-mix, have asked friends who are successful in losing weight and keeping it off what ingredients they used in their smoothies and here is what they recommend:
    Coconut Water
    Chia Seeds
    any other raw vegs
    any other raw fruits
    I researched different green foods and decided that hemp powder would work for me and I like it.
    I also add ginger. I sweeten with stevia if necessary. I count all the calories and each drink is about 200.
    So... I make enough for 2, freeze one for the next day and take one to work, it is very filling and makes me not think of food at all (I am a restaurant manager with chef husband) throughout my busy day! Smoothies have also given me energy to start exercising again and counting my steps too! Started reading a book about green smoothies meeting the 5:2 program, looks very interesting although I have not actually started that plan but have been able to keep my calorie intake on the lower side without feeling deprived or hungry. Hope this helps!