about the scale....

hasiangirl Posts: 1,613
edited September 20 in Health and Weight Loss
I have a very loving relationship with my scale......lol why is it soo bad to weigh a few times a day ? Esp if u dont get discouraged about a weight gain......I figure the scale does not lie to me so therefore i love it either way lol,,,,i dunno i have a fascination with fluctuations and seeing how much u lose if u dont fluctuate too much during the day and how u stay steady if u fluctuate 3lbs a day (atleast in my case) I just dont get whats so wrong about stepping on something u have no hard feelings to?
p.s. i really do love my scale :laugh: :laugh: and my measuring tape :laugh:


  • zebras
    zebras Posts: 600
    The Japanese guy who invented Wii Fit was the same way. He got into using the scale when he was losing weight, and he got so fascinated by it that even when he was done losing weight he made little charts about his daily weight and fluctuations, and didn't even originally invent Wii Fit as an exercise tool, but solely as a weight to track your weight. Thank god, for me they developed the exercise portion, as I lost the first 50 lbs solely using it.
  • hasiangirl
    hasiangirl Posts: 1,613
    The Japanese guy who invented Wii Fit was the same way. He got into using the scale when he was losing weight, and he got so fascinated by it that even when he was done losing weight he made little charts about his daily weight and fluctuations, and didn't even originally invent Wii Fit as an exercise tool, but solely as a weight to track your weight. Thank god, for me they developed the exercise portion, as I lost the first 50 lbs solely using it.
    i loved my wii fit ....until i lost the little round pieces that go on the bottom and now my board doesnt work :cry: :sad:
  • lessertess
    lessertess Posts: 855 Member
    The fact is that the scale DOES LIE. It can fluctuate up to six pounds in a day for no real reason whatsoever. How does it help you to track that? It is not an idicator of health, nor does it clearly indicate body composition. For example: Take two women with the exact same height and build: one woman who weighs 130 pounds with 30% body fat or one who weights 160 pounds with 20% body fat. Trust me the 160 pound woman will look better and probably be in the same size clothes as the 130 pound woman. The issue with both health and appearance is excess body fat, not weight. None of this is accurately depicted by the scale.

    I read some of your earlier posts. Weighing yourself six times or more a day is an indicator that you have an unhealthy obsession with your weight. Also, candidly, where do you get the time? Do you carry it with you to work or school? You're an adult and are going to do what you want regardless, but you've asked for opions so take mine for what it's worth..... This is not healthy behavior and is indicative of an eating disorder. Please consider getting help.

    this is from an article from the Mayo Clinic:

    Emotional and behavioral symptoms of anorexia may include:

    Refusal to eat
    Denial of hunger
    Excessive exercise
    Flat mood or lack of emotion
    Difficulty concentrating
    Preoccupation with food

    Red flags that family and friends may notice include:

    Skipping meals
    Making excuses for not eating
    Eating only a few certain "safe" foods, usually those low in fat and calories
    Adopting rigid meal or eating rituals, such as cutting food into tiny pieces or spitting food out after chewing
    Weighing food
    Cooking elaborate meals for others but refusing to eat them themselves
    Repeated weighing of themselves
    Frequent checking in the mirror for perceived flaws
    Wearing baggy or layered clothing
    Complaining about being fat
  • hasiangirl
    hasiangirl Posts: 1,613
    The fact is that the scale DOES LIE. It can fluctuate up to six pounds in a day for no real reason whatsoever. How does it help you to track that? It is not an idicator of health, nor does it clearly indicate body composition. For example: Take two women with the exact same height and build: one woman who weighs 130 pounds with 30% body fat or one who weights 160 pounds with 20% body fat. Trust me the 160 pound woman will look better and probably be in the same size clothes as the 130 pound woman. The issue with both health and appearance is excess body fat, not weight. None of this is accurately depicted by the scale.

    I read some of your earlier posts. Weighing yourself six times or more a day is an indicator that you have an unhealthy obsession with your weight. Also, candidly, where do you get the time? Do you carry it with you to work or school? You're an adult and are going to do what you want regardless, but you've asked for opions so take mine for what it's worth..... This is not healthy behavior and is indicative of an eating disorder. Please consider getting help.

    this is from an article from the Mayo Clinic:

    Emotional and behavioral symptoms of anorexia may include:

    Refusal to eat
    Denial of hunger
    Excessive exercise
    Flat mood or lack of emotion
    Difficulty concentrating
    Preoccupation with food

    Red flags that family and friends may notice include:

    Skipping meals
    Making excuses for not eating
    Eating only a few certain "safe" foods, usually those low in fat and calories
    Adopting rigid meal or eating rituals, such as cutting food into tiny pieces or spitting food out after chewing
    Weighing food
    Cooking elaborate meals for others but refusing to eat them themselves
    Repeated weighing of themselves
    Frequent checking in the mirror for perceived flaws
    Wearing baggy or layered clothing
    Complaining about being fat
    lol luckily im only a few of those......i weigh my food because if i didnt theres no real way of tracking my calories....i weigh myself constantly out of pure fascination (I dont get mad if i fluctuate 3lbs) thats the most i've fluctuated unless i drank the night before and then ate something bad lol.... i make excuses about eating but excuses to eat....i eat 5-7 small meals a day....max out on my protien most of the time the only thing i am low on is carbs because i dont eat much pasta, breads, and ect i eat lots of fruits and veggies along with my rice splurge every now and then....and every now and then i do make special foods for my kids and boyfriend which i choose not to eat because if i eat something greasy and fatty for some reason with my obsessive personality i will not stop eating until i am overstuffed and prob ate more than half the platter......i do check myself in the mirror but not for flaws in fact its the complete opposite, i like the changes im seeing and i can actually see the process....as far as where i find the time...I took some time away from work to be a stay at home mom which will be changing soon and then i'll probably only weigh myself 2-3 times a day......I LOVE my scale.....i have never been mad at it aside from that one time i got on it and saw that i had let myself get back up to 145lbs
  • zebras
    zebras Posts: 600
    The Japanese guy who invented Wii Fit was the same way. He got into using the scale when he was losing weight, and he got so fascinated by it that even when he was done losing weight he made little charts about his daily weight and fluctuations, and didn't even originally invent Wii Fit as an exercise tool, but solely as a weight to track your weight. Thank god, for me they developed the exercise portion, as I lost the first 50 lbs solely using it.
    i loved my wii fit ....until i lost the little round pieces that go on the bottom and now my board doesnt work :cry: :sad:

    My whole Wii Fit broke probably from being worn out, I sent it in for repair and they sent a whole new one rather than repair it. It wasn't cheap, but it stll costs less than an entire new one. You should contact Nintendo about getting the feet replaced.
  • hasiangirl
    hasiangirl Posts: 1,613
    The Japanese guy who invented Wii Fit was the same way. He got into using the scale when he was losing weight, and he got so fascinated by it that even when he was done losing weight he made little charts about his daily weight and fluctuations, and didn't even originally invent Wii Fit as an exercise tool, but solely as a weight to track your weight. Thank god, for me they developed the exercise portion, as I lost the first 50 lbs solely using it.
    i loved my wii fit ....until i lost the little round pieces that go on the bottom and now my board doesnt work :cry: :sad:

    My whole Wii Fit broke probably from being worn out, I sent it in for repair and they sent a whole new one rather than repair it. It wasn't cheap, but it stll costs less than an entire new one. You should contact Nintendo about getting the feet replaced.
    thats a good idea.....i loved it so much and thats how i initially lost a lot of the pregnancy weight, and I was working and saving up money at that time so i could stay at home with my kids...i'm deff going to contact them and ask :bigsmile:
  • 1Corinthians13
    1Corinthians13 Posts: 5,296 Member
    So kinda unrelated - but my bf and I decided to get his 5 yr. old daughter a Wii for Christmas with a bunch of games - should we get her the plain Wii or the Wii fit?
  • hasiangirl
    hasiangirl Posts: 1,613
    So kinda unrelated - but my bf and I decided to get his 5 yr. old daughter a Wii for Christmas with a bunch of games - should we get her the plain Wii or the Wii fit?
    well the wii console should come with wii sports which IMPO is the best game for it and the Wii fit is a game that u buy to go with it
  • 1Corinthians13
    1Corinthians13 Posts: 5,296 Member
    So kinda unrelated - but my bf and I decided to get his 5 yr. old daughter a Wii for Christmas with a bunch of games - should we get her the plain Wii or the Wii fit?
    well the wii console should come with wii sports which IMPO is the best game for it and the Wii fit is a game that u buy to go with it
    Hmmm, ok. Thanks. We still have to look into it. Thinking of ordering it from Amazon.
  • hasiangirl
    hasiangirl Posts: 1,613
    i was looking online about weighing this morning and i found a woman that hit the nail right on the head!
    http://www.myjanee.com/livelight/eat/weigh.htm this is why i do it......not because i'm discouraged but i like to gauge what my body does as i've said before....i have yet to fluctuate over 3 lbs unless i ate HORRIBLE and drank a lot of alchohal......
  • Saken
    Saken Posts: 476
    i think my scale is broken
    i was 136.5 Monday last week, and this week's monday i was 133.7 and today 132.9 , i dont trust it
  • hasiangirl
    hasiangirl Posts: 1,613
    i think my scale is broken
    i was 136.5 Monday last week, and this week's monday i was 133.7 and today 132.9 , i dont trust it
    every KG is 2.2 lbs right? ......my boyfriend has been losing weight real fast for a while....... hes at a plateua right now....well that and he isnt eating the healthiest anymore again as well but he lost 28 lbs in 3 weeks
    p.s. he is also a pretty big guy tho
  • moujie
    moujie Posts: 229
    I used to HATE the scale. didn't even get on it at the doctors office. seriously. the nurses used to say, "well is it ok if we at least take your blood pressure?" like I was some kind of weirdo. ok I admit to being a weirdo. :laugh: but I wasn't getting on the scale only to see the number that would make me feel worse then I already did. especially the one at the doctors office because the nurse would try to be nice and just move the big weight up to 150 and then slide the little weight over farther, farther, farther, until it got all the way to the end and she'd have to slide it all the way back and then - cachung - move the big weight up to the 200 mark. :noway: yep. that was fun.

    but now I feel differently about the scale. I won't say I LOVE it the way you do hasiangirl :wink: but I'm starting to at least develop an affinity toward it. I realized that what I was telling myself about weighing (that I didn't need to see the # because I could tell based on my clothes) was really not working for me. because the thing with using your clothes to guage your weight gain/loss/maintenance is that you don't wake up and your pants don't fit anymore, it happens gradually. they get a little snug, then tight, then you have to buy new pants. but the scale will show you WHY the pants are getting snug. conversely it is now showing me my progress, which I like to see.

    I check my weight each morning knowing that it'll fluctuate and I don't worry if it's a pound or two more from day to day as long as my Monday weight is going down. Now I think that knowing my # is good for me because it's helping me keep on track. I am 39 years old and a few months ago I bought the first scale I EVER owned in my life.
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