discouraged teen...

Okay so basically I was just about 10lbs overweight until my school vacation in April where I gained 5-7lbs that I CAN'T SEEM TO LOSE. It's very frustrating. Lately it seems like I'll never reach my goal. It was already hard enough to reach my goal (which was taking forever) and now it's just getting even harder. I know 5lbs doesn't seem like much to gain but I can't seem to lose it and I feel like it's made a big difference in my appearance... Not trying to sound whiny, just need a little encouragement.


  • leslisa
    leslisa Posts: 1,350 Member
    I can't really tell much because your profile is not open (which is fine BTW). I don't know if you are healthy weight or a non-healthy weight, your exercise, nothing.

    So here goes a shot in the dark. If you are healthy and active and happy and within a reasonable body weight, try not to stress over it so much. If you are worried about your appearance working certain groups of muscles, whether you lose weight or no, can change your physical appearance. If the weight is really stuck, this might be the route to take.

    Take care.
  • Emily_Katherine
    Right now, does it seems like it is just trying to make you miserable out of spite? Been there. I can completely relate with 5 pounds making a difference in your appearance - I fluctuate between 120 and 125 and can always tell when I am on the higher end.

    You're a young woman and your body is still changing and figuring out what shape it will be. For example, I was around 110-115 as a very active, flat-chested 15 year old. I haven't gotten more than an inch or so taller since then, but with DDs and a desk job I will never be that weight again.

    I am not sure what your goals are or what your diet is like, but try to focus on treating your body as an ally. Eat healthy, whole foods that you enjoy and get as much activity in as you can. The rest will follow. And on an unrelated note, your picture is beautiful! You have a fantastic smile.