Biggest Loser Competition

jessicarmartin Posts: 6
edited September 20 in Motivation and Support
So today is Day one of the Biggest Loser Competition I got involved in. It goes until right before Halloween so I hope to get in some good weight loss by then. I started MFP back in May and have so far lost 20 lbs. but have plateaued for the past month so I am hoping this will be motivation to push me into the next phase. I am 5'9" and 180 and my goal is to reach 160 by New Year's and 140 by next Summer. Anyway I hope to keep updates on here to keep myself accountable so wish me luck!! If I win I get $170 too!! (But loosing 20 lbs. would be even better)


  • LJCannon
    LJCannon Posts: 3,636 Member
    My Curves had a Biggest Loser contest in June-July and I won!! You are right, it is a GREAT motivator. The money IS nice, but having those pounds gone is even better. I lost 25 pounds, or 8.56% of my weight.

    Until I joined MFP and Curves I had never been successful at losing weight or sticking to an exercise program. Being accountable is a great motivator on days when just don't want to "Do It". I know if I did it, you can too. I used to be the biggest couch potatoe in town, but now I am the Biggest Loser!!

    Good Luck in your Contest. I'm cheering for you.:drinker:
  • speaking of the biggest loser....
    when does it start back up?
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