Fitter but not thinner



  • kakklespakkle
    kakklespakkle Posts: 118 Member
    LOL LOL LOL at our weekend routines being very similar!!!!
    (but I am trying to change!)
  • PaveGurl
    PaveGurl Posts: 244 Member
    OK - i've finally done it - my diary is now open to friends. Hopefully that will hold me more accountable at the weekends!!

    In regards to me eating to little, I think I have the opposite problem hehe. My calorie goal is set to 1660 per day (as per MFP to 0.5lbs per week) and I also eat back my exercise calories. The problem is that at the weekend, I go over by LOADS, a few drinks here and there, eating out etc etc. So even though I do my long run on a Saturday, I can't possibly make up the calories. Friday mornings I weigh the least, Monday mornings I weigh the most! I'd be quite happy to continue in this routine of up down the same 3lbs IF only I was 14lbs lighter!

    you've hit the nail on the head here: 'even though I do my long run on a Saturday, I can't possibly make up the calories. "

    DING DING DING. You can't out-train a bad diet!

    honestly, that's why I began keeping my spreadsheet - the daily is a mess for me, going back and forth, but if I keep a weekly average, I can get a clearer view of where I'm up and down and have a better understanding of what I need to plan for the weekend. So, if I know I've got a day at Ascot coming up, or a birthday dinner with friends, maybe I do a bit extra in a workout to "bank" the calories (as in WW or other programs) and keep my numbers in line. If that makes no sense, feel free to message me - I'm not always as clear outside my head as I am in it! *laugh*
  • SouthernSkylark
    SouthernSkylark Posts: 128 Member
    This is a MAJOR inspiration when I get hung up on the number on the scale:

    Thank you for this link! What an eye opener, this has really given me a wake up call! What a woman she is!!! :-))
  • watters87
    watters87 Posts: 48 Member
    kakklespakkle - Me too! The thing is, some weekends I actually convince myself that 'I haven't been THAT bad' haha.

    azalais7 - You are most likely right about the water weight. I think overall my 'real' weight stays the same. I'm not really bothered by the daily fluctuations, the problem is that the trend is not going down. It's staying the same! MUST sort it out this weekend!!!
  • red1123
    red1123 Posts: 20 Member
    This is me, too and yes, it's very frustrating! I also started in April. I'm lifting heavy two or three days and week and running or HIIT two or three more (so working out 4-6 days a week) and haven't lost any inches or pounds.

    Like you, I've decided it pretty much comes down to diet. I'm eating out at least two times a week and most of my friends' social scene involves eating and drinking. I'm still struggling with how to balance a social life and the fact that I love, love, love food with a diet. I'm not sure it's worth it to give all that up to get down to my goal weight.