Too hard?

So i started my first exercise regime in over two years on Monday. I got up at 6am raring to go and put on t he 30day shred. then i started and OMG It was so tough. It has completely put me off exercise. PLEASE HELP.

I really want to get my "old" body back and i need and want to be fitter. I have managed to stick to the low calorie diet of 1200 (except last night where i had chocolate so it took me to 1300) but how can i get into exercise.



  • jppd47
    jppd47 Posts: 737 Member
    You need to find the motivation to push yourself, which it sounds like you have. You all have to find something you like and/or tolerate to start in to a routine. Maybe find a friend to workout with. I have never seen 30DS so don't know what its all about.
    Im sure you can find something that will work for you.

    Maybe start off by just setting time to walk/jog. Then in cooperate body weight exercises into that?
  • scottb81
    scottb81 Posts: 2,538 Member
    Its hard for everybody when they first start exercising. You have to zip up the man suit and just do ti.
  • lizziebeth1028
    lizziebeth1028 Posts: 3,602 Member
    Its hard for everybody when they first start exercising. You have to zip up the man suit and just do ti.


    This is true, if it was easy everyone would be doing it. A few helpful suggestions would be if you are just getting back into it...find something you like and stick with it for awhile before jumping into something like 30DS. You have to walk before you can run. Also like someone else suggested getting a work out partner helps tremendously with motivation and staying on track. Also....don't judge yourself too harshly. So you tried 30DS and it sucked the first time. Give it another go and just do the best you can. I will get easier!
  • ZugTheMegasaurus
    ZugTheMegasaurus Posts: 801 Member
    It makes a difference why exactly you felt put off. Was it just the fact that it was difficult, or were you upset about not being able to do the entire thing (couldn't tell from your post)? If it's about not being able to do exactly what's in the video, then don't worry about it. When I first started, I couldn't get more than 15-20 minutes through a P90X video. But I gave it every bit of effort I could muster and lasted until I literally could not do another rep, so I couldn't feel bad about it. It's about doing the best you can do, not about doing what someone else can do.

    Now, if you're put off just because it's difficult, then I don't really know what to tell you. Worthwhile things often involve hard and unpleasant effort, but it pays off. Being comfortable feels nice, but in the end, it doesn't always get you the result you want.
  • GSCPostBaby
    GSCPostBaby Posts: 111 Member
    I am, personally, not a huge fan of gimmicky exercise video programs. Especially those which have a time frame in the title, I feel they can lead to disappointment and can kill your motivation because the exercise video doesn't know your body and where it started from.

    My suggestion to you would be to find something you enjoy and start there. Build up some basic fitness and strength and flexibility and then try a more intense program. The possibilities are endless.

    Yoga, belly-dance, aerobics, spin classes, swimming, walking, rock climbing, rowing, hiking, biking, resistance training.

    If you haven't been working out, take 30 days to get your act together and then amp it up.
  • therealangd
    therealangd Posts: 1,861 Member
    Yep. It's hard.

    It's what? 30 minutes a day out of the 1,440 that you have available.

    Time to just suck it up and do it.

    You can do anything for 30 minutes.
  • ladybug1620
    ladybug1620 Posts: 1,136 Member
    Just.keep.going. You need to find a workout that you LOVE, if you love what you do you will be able to stick to it. Try different things out. For me, my "soul mate workout" was TurboFire. It was something that I looked forward to doing and has led the way to me trying and loving other things.
  • MissFit0101
    MissFit0101 Posts: 2,382
    It's going to be tough in the beginning, no matter what you do, but I can say for myself, I also started with the 30 day shred and hated it. I had to find something I liked. I started doing some step aerobics, and then started doing Turbo Fire (all fun workouts) which helped keep me motivated. I eventually ended up getting into running and I do strength and core exercise as well now, but you have to find something you like. So decide whether you don't want to do it because it's hard, or because it's just not something you like. The more you do it the easier it will get, but just make sure you stick to the type of exercise you enjoy. Best of luck!
  • amandab1669
    amandab1669 Posts: 86 Member
    First I want to congratulate you on your new life style change. I suggest you start off slow by maybe walking for 30-40 minutes a day. Then you can increase your exercise level. Of course it will be discouraging if you just start a new exercising program and you haven't worked out in years. You need to take it slow to get to the level you need to be to do the 30day program. As long as you stay commited you will get there but start off slow.
  • julieh391
    julieh391 Posts: 683 Member
    Yep. It's hard.

    It's what? 30 minutes a day out of the 1,440 that you have available.

    Time to just suck it up and do it.

    You can do anything for 30 minutes.

    Not even! It's 20 minutes and over before you know it. You can do it! :)
  • patchesgizmo
    patchesgizmo Posts: 244 Member
    try a program that is not so hard. I know Richard Simmons is dated, but he has people on the show that look like me, so I still use him and work at my pace.
  • jcamby
    jcamby Posts: 200 Member
    I also agree - don't do such a hard program. I love the Leslie Sansone's Walk Away the Pounds dvd's.....they are fun and they burn alot of calories. You can do this!! Don't give up!!! :)

    p.s. I workout at night as I find working out in the morning is just too hard for me....but everyone is different.
  • twinmom01
    twinmom01 Posts: 854 Member
    if you are just starting back I wouldn't recommend the 30 Day shred...

    Try some of the Biggest Loser Bootcamp type ones...I started with some of those first - they are decent about having some of the people show you alternate ways to do something - some of them have all different types of exercises...When I was doing them I found I really liked the punching and kicking actions of the kickboxing segments - so then I found some good kickboxing DVD's and did those at home...and then it progressed to finding a class (I got super, super lucky and a martial arts place near my house does "free" (we had to pay a one time $40 fee for gloves as it is a franchise place and all the other ones have kickboxing for a monthly fee - so they decided to charge a one time fee and "grandfather" people in so if they do wind up having to start charging a fee those of us who have been coming for awhile won't have to pay it) kickboxing classes 2x's a week - LOVE LOVE LOVE it - and actually hate when I have to miss a class...we do a combo of body weight moves (squats, lunges), using the bags for punches and kicks and then some stretching moves...overall a great workout (That I usually feel about 24 hours later)

    If you have some sort of cable with On-Demand - check and see if they have a sports and fitness section - Mine does and it is filled with all sorts of workouts - I got to sample a bunch to see what I liked and what I didn't...

    Also if you have an iphone, touch or pad check out the Nike Fitness App...lots of good workouts with stretching, body weight exercises and some with minimal equipment (dumbbells, medicine ball) - I plop mine on a speaker system and you can play your own music (I set up a playlist full of high energy songs) - I dodn't do it much anymore because of classes and trying to get to the gym with my husband...but it is great when I need to fit in a workout within a small time frame...they have all sorts of workouts from 15-60 minutes - you choose what you want to do and the of all its FREE....I have done a number of boot camp workouts with trainers and this app is just as good - only difference is you have to be accountable to yourself rather then having someone stand over you to ensure you are doing it....
  • bleacheblonde
    I probably wouldn't start with a program like that since it doesn't really take into account what level you're at when you start. I experienced something similar when I decided to get my **** together a few months ago and picked up a Women's Health magazine. They had some strength-training workouts in there so I tried one, and I could do maybe 1/3 as many reps as they said to do for the "easy" level and I was so sore for days afterward that I couldn't even move without hurting. It was very discouraging, but I realized that I wasn't yet at a fitness level where I was ready for that.

    I would start with something you like and make sure it's a challenge but not TOO hard. If you start with something painful that sucks and leaves you hurting and feels like torture, you probably won't stick with it. I tried to start out by jogging, and then I remembered "Oh yeah, I have bad knees and flat feet and I frigging hate jogging because it's boring as heck." So I got a couple of DVDs and I have an elliptical trainer and some butt-kicking playlists, and that way I can get my cardio and challenge myself without getting injured and dreading my workout every day.
  • 0400772
    0400772 Posts: 80
    Thanks for the comments guys :)

    I find it hard to workout as im at work all day and then get home (1hr drive) and then spend time with my 1year before she goes to bed. So i can only do things in the house, rather than gyms etc

    I used to do Tae Bo and lost a lot of weight quickly but its just as bad.. i think its more about me being "embarassed" of not being able to do the whole DVD without stopping for a break.

    I know deep down that I can do it but its getting passed that barrier, most people will tell me to "push through" but honestly i really cant and someone actually has to force me! Im going to suggest to my partner that i work out at night after our LO has gone to bed so that he can make me do it rather than me try to get out of it!

    I was sweating with 5 secs and my heart rate shot up, at one point i could really feel my heart trying to escape my ribs. My partner and i try to spend our weekends going on walks etc with the little one and our dog but in all honesty the weather here (scotland) is AWFUL !x
  • Steve_Runs
    Steve_Runs Posts: 443 Member
    It's going to be tough in the beginning, no matter what you do, but I can say for myself, I also started with the 30 day shred and hated it. I had to find something I liked. I started doing some step aerobics, and then started doing Turbo Fire (all fun workouts) which helped keep me motivated. I eventually ended up getting into running and I do strength and core exercise as well now, but you have to find something you like. So decide whether you don't want to do it because it's hard, or because it's just not something you like. The more you do it the easier it will get, but just make sure you stick to the type of exercise you enjoy. Best of luck!
    LOVE my runner friend!
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,121 Member

    I find it hard to workout as im at work all day and then get home (1hr drive) and then spend time with my 1year before she goes to bed. So i can only do things in the house, rather than gyms etc

    This could be said for about half the people here, who bring it every day. It's your choice. Just do it.
  • fjrandol
    fjrandol Posts: 437 Member
    30ds was scary hard the first time I tried it! I was pretty sure my lungs were going to get puked up by the end of the video, and I'd scaled down some of the exercises just to make it through. Personally, if you like videos I'd start with some pilates. 10 minute solutions is a great one, and you can stream it on Netflix if you have it. It's broken into 5 10-minute segments, so if you're short on time you don't have to do the full video.

    Also, I'd highly recommend doing a C25K, which takes you from a walk/jog at the beginning to jogging 30 minutes straight by the end of 9 weeks.

    Don't burn out before you start!:smile:
  • thrld
    thrld Posts: 610 Member
    The hardest part of working out is the mental commitment.

    You must commit to the change. Don't let your body try to convice your mind to give up.

    You must commit to 'being there' and doing the workout. Good intentions don't count. Excuses don't get the work done.
    You must commit to sometimes sucking at whatever the workout is.
    You must commit to doing the most you can, the best you can and NOT get discouraged.

    Sounds like you view your 1-day experience with 30DS as a failure. It is not. It is the first step to success. Sometimes you have to get in shape so you can get in shape.

    Because success is built on practice, on learning, small strides that get you to your larger goal. And the only difference between success and failure is that the failures gave up too early.

    Everyone starts at the beginning. Don't beat yourself up or give up. This is your beginning and in 30 days you will look back and revel in your accomplishment.
  • Shelbert79
    Shelbert79 Posts: 517 Member
    I had been going to the gym for a few weeks before starting 30DS and I was dripping in sweat after the first day, AND I couldn't do much of the video. I finished out the 30 days, though and lost about 11 inches. Try not to get discouraged, if you're having a hard time with a move, modify it. I'm doing Jillians Killer Buns and Thighs and I modify some of her moves so I can get ab and arm work in too. I hope you find something you enjoy, it makes working out so much easier! I'm kind of addicted to Miss Jillian.