Coffee Anyone?



  • MinMin97
    MinMin97 Posts: 2,676 Member
    Coffee: Do you think I should or should not drink it? I only put a dash of cream enough to make it not solid black and drink about 2/3 6oz cups a day. I hear some people say it causes fluid retention and some says it dont and I've heard it hinders weight loss and then I've heard it doesn't. And I've heard regular coffee is a duretic and decaf is unhealthy due to chemicals to make it decaf (which I don't drink decaf usually) It get me going in the morning tho and I only drink it on weekdays at work and don't ever drink it on the weekend. I've wondered if that is preventing me from getting my last 3 pounds off? What's everyones thoughts on drink or to not drink coffee?? BTW: This is the only drink I consume other than water. No beverages of any sort.
    Hello, nice question, and I like all the information and open diary! It is my understanding that coffee can help when you drink a cup black, on an empty stomach, and go do your workout. Drinking it this way is supposed to help with fat loss and muscle gain. I believe I read this at

    I don't think that quitting coffee is necessary.

    Have you considered including weight training to get the results you want? This may not bring the scale measurement down, but it may give you the visual/fitness results that you want. I have seen many examples on mfp of people who included weight training, and got fantastic results over just cardio...I am a believer in weight training, and it is fun, especially when you have a training plan when you get to the weight room:happy:

  • Ritzbrit
    Ritzbrit Posts: 211 Member
    Every morning at work I have a big cup! I use to add cream and sugar but now just drink it black or iced. I need the energy! I continue to lose weight so yeah...
  • unluckyIrish
    unluckyIrish Posts: 121 Member
    Or you can skip the whole water argument and go simple: If your urine is pale yellow or lighter, you're getting plenty of water. If it's bright yellow or darker, drink more. No need for long arguments over how much water you need to drink using silly slogans and arbitrary numbers, your body has a perfectly good individualized color-coded system to tell you if you are getting enough water.

    ^^Mind if I steal this?
  • thriftycupl
    thriftycupl Posts: 310 Member
    Love my coffee. Still drink it everyday and can lose weight doing it. You know your body -- trust that it's working the way it was intended.
  • ImperfektAngel
    ImperfektAngel Posts: 811 Member
    I have it every morning with a bit of creamer, sometimes I even have some later on in the day.
  • Lkoblara
    Lkoblara Posts: 137 Member
    I don't even want to think about going without my coffee! I drink it black though...
  • jackflak
    jackflak Posts: 153 Member
    I enjoy my morning 2 cups. I used to pile the flavored creamer into it. But I shifted to plain half and half and I have found that it helps me control any sugar cravings that I have later in the day-Hence the two dozen donuts that Joe the office neighbor brings in...I can ignore. It's kinda weird. But it helps.

    While I was in the Navy, it was the drink of choice....all the time-breakfast, lunch, dinner, just because. LOL.
  • MzBug
    MzBug Posts: 2,173 Member
    If you enjoy it, drink it! You just have to watch what you load it up with. I found a low fat half and half that works well for me, I get the creamy taste of regular half and half but not all the extra calories. I tried the fat free half and half, but that just didn't have the creamy taste and didn't give the coffee the right color, found I used more than if I used the regular stuff.
  • RunAmock
    RunAmock Posts: 95 Member
    I drink a BIG cup every morning. I have a Tervis Tumbler that I take to RaceTrac or QT and fill one-third with Decaf, one- third with regular, and one-third with the Caramel Macchiato. It is about 150 calories for what I drink, but SOOOOO worth it. It is a daily treat I do not plan to cut out. :)
  • bcmlam1001
    bcmlam1001 Posts: 118 Member
    I believe I shall stick to my coffee then! I use fat free coffee mate and with the litteraly "pinch" i put in there to make it brownish and not so black gives me a total of 4 calories so I believe I am ok with it =) Thanks for everyones advice!
  • adamb83
    adamb83 Posts: 719 Member
    I drink coffee every day and it hasn't been a problem for me. The less cream/sugar the better, of course (my latest kick is iced coffee with just a bit of cream - perfect for summertime!).

    I do not drink decaff coffee because it IS chemically processed - not necessarily going to cause problems, but I don't like the idea of chemical residue on my coffee beans; however, you can find certain brands/cafes who don't use chemical processing. One I know of in the midwestern United States area is Caribou Coffee.
  • bcmlam1001
    bcmlam1001 Posts: 118 Member
    Life is not worth living without my coffee. For awhile, I was doing the 17-Day Diet and starting my day with a cup of hot lemmon water followed by a cup of green tea. Nothing against those beverages, but they did not inspire me to get up in the morning the way my first cup of coffee does. I'm back to coffee and very happy.
    I have tried the hot lemon water because my sister swears by it and the leader at the weight watchers meetings i used to attend recommended it to and I NEVER noticed a difference with it! No extra energy or greater weight loss so I just gave up on it and went back to my coffee
  • films14
    films14 Posts: 11
    i drink 1, maybe 2 cups a day with sugar free coffee creamer. --used to use heavy whipping cream but my triglycerides shot up to 754 so doc took me off all of the bad fats and told me to continue to do low carb. --he actually told me to stop all caffine due to occasional heart palps, but those are going away being on fenofibrate now for the high trig's... --sooooo, i'm drinking my coffee & loving it!!! -take away sugar, bad unhealthy fats, simple carbs, but NOT my morning Joe!!! :)

    p.s. used to drink decaf with heavy cream & then switched to full leaded with sugar free creamer & never saw a change in weight loss. (stalls etc.) but some ppl use truvia & that can stall some of us... good luck!