Got 100lbs to lose! Looking for some friends :D

Hi there! I'm Brianna, I'm 18 and I live around New Orleans, Louisiana.
As you can imagine, we have delicious food here...that I've happened to overeat my entire life. >o>
Not once have I been fit or even really physically active, but now after reading a few books (my psychiatrist's recommendations) I've learned just how important it is to be healthy.
(FACT TIME!: Our ancestors were walking 10miles a day like nothing! did you know that humans are the only animals who can run continuously without dying? That's how we evolved: we would outrun whatever we were hunting because while they'd run forever without stopping, their heart would stop, and our body will stop us from that happening if we happen to overwork ourselves. I just thought that was a neat tip to share. ;) for those of you who run with your dogs, if your dog is getting tired, STOP and let it rest or you could be facing tragedy ahead. @___@ )

Anywho! I'm a size 16/18 and I LOVE my curves...and I feel like now, after struggling with body issues for so many years and FINALLY learning how to be comfortable in my's time to change. :D I love myself more than anything and want to be the best ME that I can be.
Diabetes and heart disease have shown their ugly faces to some of my family members... and I don't want to be the next one it happens to. I love life and I want to be here for a LONG time, and I want to show my family how much better things can be for them just by being healthier. I know I'm already feeling great and if they see me lose 100lbs, the healthy way, and CONTINUE to be active for the rest of my life...maybe I can motivate the people around me to want to be healthier too.
My ultimate fitness dream is to be able to run a 20k one day. I'm probably years away from that but hey, I'm young! I have the time. (Right now I'd be happy just being able to run more than 60 seconds without feeling like dying lol)

So well, that's about me! I'd love to be friends, no matter what the weight you or I need to lose. We all need support whether we're looking to lose the last 5, or start the first 500, you know?
I can't say I'll be having these amazing recipes...but I'll share whatever I find and try my best to be as motivational as possible. c: Let's do this!