Employment advice!?

saracatherine89 Posts: 291 Member
So I graduated college in May '11. I got a business degree from a great school although my grades were very average and I wasn't super involved. I did have some great work experience as well. I was struggling to find a job in what I wanted to do (business/systems analyst jobs) so I took a job right out of school at a logistics company. I loved the company/people but I realized it was not what I wanted to do as a living and the pay was poor, and I was lucky to find a job as a systems analyst after about 6 months with that job. I have now been at that job for 7 months and while it is much more in my 'career field', I am still not 100% happy with how things are. I am making enough money to get by for now, but the company is falling on hard times and I am worried come my performance review (although I've been receiving VERY good feedback) that I may not get a raise because of our financial struggles. I hate to have on my resume that I am only working at positions for 6-7 months and then leaving, but I am just trying to find a better opportunity. I also feel really bad when I have to quit a job. To those of you who work in recruiting/HR/hiring- would it be best to 'stick it out' here for a bit longer to get the experience or do you recommend looking for a new opportunity? I'm probably making about $8-$10k less than the average graduate in my position, and I have TONS of debt from school, so I want to find a better position.