30 Day Shred + Cardio?

Just out of curiosity...

Those of you who have done/are doing the 30 Day Shred, do you also do extra cardio on the side (running, elliptical, etc.)? If so, how often?

I just finished round 1 of the shred and have also been doing cardio 3-4 times per week, so I just wanted to know what everyone else was doing :smile:


  • misstoridanielle
    misstoridanielle Posts: 62 Member
    Well I'm on day 4 but I haven't been doing anything extra cause my legs were killing me. But the pain has actually gotten better, so I'm going to start doing about 30 minutes on the treadmill and then I'm taking zumba classes twice a week.
  • thrld
    thrld Posts: 610 Member
    I walk 2-3 times a week and take a pilates class in addition to the 30DS. But I am thinking about starting the C25K program.
  • AnisaMG
    AnisaMG Posts: 154 Member
    I am on day 9 and I do 45-60 minutes of extra cardio. It's never the same, I do what I feel like that day - cycling, running, a P90X video, Zumba.